Half-life Visual Guide Updated
Reverend's tweaks for Half-life's visual quality: Half-life Visual Guide, has a new cvar added "gl_polyoffset" and other small
deCyber Half-life Recuiting
Michael Lohmann sent a word that deCyber Half-life needs 3 people for their level design team, heres the whole mail:
We have decided to get 3 new members on our mapbuilder team. Basically
all builders
on deCyber Halflife (http://decyber.solgames.com/halflife/halflife.htm) build alone and can
make all the decisions they want. What we have seen on deCyber Unreal is that all our
builders get rather famous and I know that also will happened on deCyber Halflife. We
are only interested in making really good maps so the community get more fun. Right now
there are a few really horrible maps out there and we wanna change that. Michael Lohmann deCyber Halflife
New Sites
Need prefabs for your maps? Get it here on Half-life Prefabs
An editing site at Half-life Workshop.
And a site dedicated for the Tuxedo Dude here.
Reviews and More Reviews
More reviews are popping up, as I'm really tired of posting them as they all say the same thing =), and we already know that its the game to beat:
Action Extreme's posted their review of Half-life
Planet Riva Half-life review posted
Gibbed.com's review
Gamers Depot reviews Half-life
3D Gaming News review
CPR Extreme's Skin Pack
CPR Extreme just released their 1st skin-pack which includes the skins previously released online:
CPR HalfLife Skin Pack #1 was released today. This includes All New CPR2 (squared),
Ninja, CPRGrunt, MadSci, and BiteMe in a nice 900k exe.
Half-life Level Editing Mailing List
Half-life Test Center's level editing mailing list is online for sign-up to all level designers.
Half-life Mods Update
There are a lot of TC/PC's popping out for Half-life, leaving behind other engines as they see their work is much easier with Valve's innovations:
Aerosoft closes its doors as an add-on developer. As its members are actively working with big game companies, the to be published Half-life add-on "Hypnosis" is no more.
Ultimation for Half-life TC, formerly for SiN.
Half-Chance a Partial Conversion for Half-life.
The Russian Front a Teamplay Mod for Half-life (needs help too)
StarCraft Total Conversion???? Yes, it is! Check out the blurb:
On behalf of Shadow Skill Software, the developers of the new and upcoming Half-Life --> Starcraft Total Conversion, I would like to announce a preview/signup page for the TC.
We are in dire need of several jobs listed on the page, if you visit it, you can find out more information on the TC, and hopefully apply for a position. We are an exclusive project of the upcoming HL Site, Half-Life Center, on the MGO Network (http://www.mgon.com). We will soon have an official site for the TC there. So, if any of you talented graphic artists, or sound artists, level designers or ANYTHING, are interested in some work. Please visit the preview page for the Half-Life SC Total Conversion at http://pages.cthome.net/JKKN/hlsc.html.
UK LAN Party
The dude at The Playing Fields sent in a UK LAN Party which hosts a Q2 and Half-life free for all tournaments. With AMD Processors, Voodoo2 cards, and CD-R's as prizes. Register now at their site.
Kwejibo's Half-life Saved Games
Kwejibo's Half-life page sports a saved game repository for every level on Half-life.
These are games saved within a few seconds of the beggining of each stage of the game. Most of the save files begin with ample ammo since I'm kinda stingy with my ammo and use the hornet gun a lot :)
These save games are taken on the Difficult setting.
GameSpy 2.06 Shareware Released
GameSpy version 2.06 was released-includes Half-life support previously enabled for registered users... Gamespy is a server browser tool that searches the fastest server for your game. (just an F.Y.I.)
Boomstick Guide
Boomstick has a Deathmatch guide for Half-life to give you tips and simple know-how in deathmatching and weapon use.
Multiplayer Tweaks at I.AM/Halflife
Experiencing lag? Poor DM scores thru the net? Check this article out for tweaking Half-life's Multiplayer play at I.AM/Halflife
VoodooExtremes Ken Birdwell Interview
VE posted their interview with Valve engineer Ken Birdwell, following suite is with Valve'c Jay Stelly in a week so check it out.
-Runabout - 11:24 A.M. Got news? E-mail us