- Crowbar -
Primary Fire: The meelee weapon, it does a fair amount of damage, but of course the distance limitations make it
a fairly limited use weapon.
Secondary Fire: None
Multiplayer Difference: None
- Handgun -
Primary Fire: Shoots an acccurate but very weak stream of bullets.
Secondary Fire: Shoots a less accurate but faster rate of bullets. You'll still want to ditch
it later when you can.
Multiplayer Difference: None
- MP5 -
Primary Fire: A much faster rate of bullets that actually makes it worthwhile.
Secondary Fire: A contact grenade. No bouncing, no time delay, not direct hit aiming. Very good
for online play.
Multiplayer Difference: None
- Shotgun -
Primary Fire: Single shotgun shell. You can fire eight before you reload.
Secondary Fire: Two shells are fired per shot. Lethal a good percentage of the time.
Multiplayer Difference: None
- Crossbow -
Primary Fire: A dart is fired and has a good accuracy.
Secondary Fire: The scope is used for extra accuracy and increased damage.
Multiplayer Difference: Primary fire darts explode on contact.
- Gauss Gun -
Primary Fire: Some plasma stuff fires out in bursts.
Secondary Fire: The plasma is charged while you hold down fire, and released when you release
the fire key. If you hold it too long, it back fires. It will go through walls if your angle of incidence
is between 45 and 90 degrees. It will bounce between 0 and 45 degrees.
Multiplayer Difference: None
- Egon Gun -
Primary Fire: A high energy stream is fired out and makes the other person/thing pop open.
Secondary Fire: None
Multiplayer Difference: None
- Hivehand -
Primary Fire: Organic hornets that replenish themselves are fired and find the target themselves.
The rate of fire is very slow as well as the damage. Very laggy too on internet games.
Secondary Fire: Faster rate of fire, but they don't hunt down the target, but travel in a straight line.
Multiplayer Difference: None
- Hand Grenade -
Primary Fire: Pull the pin and throw. The distance of travel is based on the angle, 45 degrees being the
most, so don't hold onto it thinking you'll get a better throw. You'll loose a few hands if you try that.
Secondary Fire: None
Multiplayer Difference: None
- C4 Packs -
Primary Fire: A C4 Pack is thrown and slides a bit, and then a remote control detonator can be used to
set it off. The time before releasing the fire key does increase the distance.
Secondary Fire: Another pack is thrown with a maximum of eight total. All will be detonated when the
remote is triggered.
Multiplayer Difference: None
- Tripmines -
Primary Fire: An explosive is attached to a wall and a few seconds later a laser pops out. If the laser is
walked through or the explosive is shot, it explodes.
Secondary Fire: None
Multiplayer Difference: None
- Snarks -
Primary Fire: Little critters are thrown and they run around finding someone or something to chomp on,
including you.
Secondary Fire: None
Multiplayer Difference: None