Dann's Home Page
This is a Page for links that I like including X-Men, X-Files
and Hidden Links
Sorry if the page is messed up. I made it on a 21" screen and couldn't test it.
It was also made in Netscape and looks stupid in Mosaic, America Online,or Prodigy.
From November 23,1995 to May 13.1996 there were 1343 people to visit my page. Thanks:)
Since, you are person 

Now Check out the coolest site on the Web. The 3d Realms BBS.

X-Men / Marvel Links
X-Files Links
Barney Links
Games Links
Search Engines

¿Questions?¿Problems? E-Mail at mthombs@wsii.com. Put Dann in the subject box.
The counter was made by web counter.
The Guestbook by Lpage.com
Midi file from Doom by ID sofware.
Disclaimer: I am not in any way a Yo.