Duct Wars: The Rebellion - The Screenplay (Part 1)
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In a galactic battle of good vs. evil, a young boy rises from the ashes to proclaim the freedom of the Ductorian race and the thousands of uses of duct tape. threatened by the evil masked race, he must find strength within the tape and vanquish the use of masking tape in the masked empire...

At the Ductorian council

Dantin: We have a serious problem on our hands. all of the warriors have died in battle, and still the masked warriors come.

Juan zi Nobie: Bring the last of the warriors.

Dantin: Didn't you hear me say "all"? We are going to have to use common people to fight now! And they won't even have enough time to be trained. We cannot lose this battle!

Juan zi Nobie: I see what you are trying to say. But if the warriors can't beat them, then how are the commoners supposed to?

Dantin: Hopefully if we send enough, one just might make it through to the end.

Juan zi Nobie: Sacrifice lives like that! Here is what I am going to propose. You are the best Ductorian Warrior living. If you train a new True Ductorian Warrior we might just have a chance.

Dantin: Training takes time. There is no possible way I could train a person in time.

Juan zi Nobie: Hmm. Yes, but if the person has natural talent, you should be able to train him with plenty of time.

Dantin: Where are we going to find this person?

Juan zi Nobie: I suppose we should bring commoners in and put them through training. Those who cannot handle it, we must send them home. And those who pass with room to spare, we will work to find the best of them all.

The Interviews: Ductorians interview several bizarre creatures, and some rather normal ones.

Pinhkoid enters.

Interviewer: What is your name, sir?

Pinhkoid: zxwwxzwwzwzwwwxwxwzwz!

Interviewer: Um.. do you speak any language that's understood by... anyone?

Pinhkoid: zxwqxqwqzxwqxxzwqwwqzx!

Interviewer: Um... next.

One-Armed Drakellian enters

Interviewer: And what is your name?

One-Armed Drakellian: RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Interviewer: Um... Can you use that hand? You might need it.

One-Armed Drakellian: RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Interviewer: Can you even talk?

One-Armed Drakellian: RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Interviewer: Next.

One-Armed Drakellian: RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Anthony enters

Interviewer: What is your name, sir?

Anthony: My name... is Anthony...

Interviewer: Umm, are you able to fight in battle?

Anthony: Um, Sometimes... I can do... ssssomething...

Interviewer: Next.

Anthony: But-- can you give me a chance? I want to prove my-- Aauugh, my back... my back... it's gone...

Gnomey Enters.

Interviewer: Uh, hello sir. What is your name?

Gnomey: Gnomey!

Interviewer: Gnomey?

Gnomey: Gnomey!

Interviewer: What is your species?

Gnomey: ...Gnomes!

Interviewer: Oh!, okay. ...How fast... can you run?

Gnomey: I am the fastest runner on my planet and I am most fierce warrior!

Interviewer: How fast can you run, though?

Gnomey: I am the fastest runner on my planet--

Interviewer: You didn't answer the question.

Gnomey: -- and I am most fierce warrior!

Interviewer: Uh... Has your planet ever won any wars?

Gnomey: We have won every war!

Interviewer: Against who?

Gnomey: The sheep!

Interviewer: ......Next!

Gnomey: ...What?

Interviewer: Next. Get up and leave.

Gnomey: *sigh* ...okay.

Tuey-Gooey enters

Interviewer: And what is your name?

Tuey-Gooey: My name is Tuey-Gooey.

Interviewer: And... are you good at fighting in battle?

Tuey-Gooey: Fighting's not good. I like to spread peace to people around the world.

Interviewer: ...oh.

Tuey-Gooey: Heeheehee!

Interviewer: NEXT!!!

Tuey-Gooey: What? Aw...

Midget enters

Interviewer: Uh, what-- what are you?

Midget: imamidget!!

Interviewer: Uh, alright... What are your qualifications?

As he talks, Midget says "iwannabeaductorianwarrior!!"

Interviewer: ...What?!

Midget: iwannabeaductorianwarrior!!

Interviewer: Awright, next!

MiV enters

Interviewer: Sorry, sir, what was your name again?

MiV: Oh, uh, my name is, Uh.. um... uh... MiV. MiV.

Interviewer: Okay, MiV, why do you want to be a Ductorian Warrior?

MiV: Cuz... I want to fight for the common good of everyone and be a goodguy, because the goodguys always win and I want to be on the winning side.

Interviewer: Hm... go behind the curtain, we'll get to you.

MiV: Okay.

Christo enters

Interviewer: Introducing... Christo!

Christo: Hi.

Interviewer: And why would you like to be a Ductorian Warrior?

Christo: Because, I enjoy fighting, and I feel that... I think I would do a good job. I always wanted to be a True Ductorian Warrior. I think it would be so, so much fun.

Interviewer: Get behind that curtain. We'll get to you.

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