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Supplement : Slipping Release Dates

Submitted by : Da Headhunter - 8th October 1998

   Nice site...look forward to visiting more in the future after Half-Life arrives, which brings me to a point...and or a rant if you wish.

   Why do game developers find it so much fun to give the community a release date for a product knowing full well that they will never reach that date and will be forced to push it back farther and farther...i.e. Half-Life, Unreal, Sin.

   Who started this crap and why do we the game players have to suffer the letdown each and every month when the game we are drooling over is suddenly drawn up even higher on the string they dangle in front of hungry eyes?

   It is time that the community takes action and let's the game companies know that enough is enough....do not publish a release date until you know it will be ready...hell, how hard is that to do?

   I understand that developers want to keep their product and or products fresh in the community's minds but this is crazy.

   It seems that this phenomenon has caught on like wild-fire and every game developer in the free world is publishing release dates for products that haven't even been started on.Why? Because they know that we the "dumbed-down" game community will gladly accept any and all excuses when they are "forced" to move the release date back.

   I can't tell you how many dates I have seen for when Half-life will hit the shelves and you know what? I don't give a damn anymore.

   When it get's here...I will certainly buy it and tell my friends about it..if the full version is any thing like the demo, it should be an awesome game.....if and when it ever ships.


   Just picture this...you are in heart surgery waiting to get your brand new heart, when they doctor leans down and whispers..."Sorry sir, looks like they pushed the release date on your heart for at least another 2 months...been nice knowing ya."

   I know you may be thinking what the hell is this guys problem and why did he send this to me....well, you guys will certainly be getting more attention as Half-Life ships and what better forum to express what I believe to be is the opinion of the majority of gamers I know...do with it as you wish and keep up the good work.


Da Headhunter

Comments : Alex

   I wholly agree that the release date scenario stinks. But I belive its just one of those things which we all have to accept, all developers have pushed back a release date at one time or another and the're not going to stop now.

   They'll be wanting to cram in as much 'good stuff' as they possibly can before each release which mayn't be a bad thing for us end-users, but we all know its a pain. Hell its not like we're not going to buy Half-Life considering its taken a year too long?

Comments : Dann

   I know how you feel, each time the date comes near I can't help feeling somewhat hollow inside, knowing that I couldn't seriously think it would come out this time. I talked with people who said it was full of bugs, and even Valve says it not finished. Polishing aside, I don't want an incomplete game. When I played Quake2, I got right to the end and the power went out. When I tried to restart it, it didn't work, and applying the patch made my saved game incompatible, so pretty much the single player essence was destroyed.

   But on the other hand, I don't blame Valve for the dates, since most were made by Sierra, who don't even play most of their games let alone develop them. The only dates Valve has stated were Summer, and October. Trying to be helpful, this backfired on them and created even more tension among most eager gamers.

   All in all, it'll be out sometime and I'm sure we'll all buy it and not go without just because of spite. The intro, from what I've heard should make us forget about any waiting that has happened.

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