Course Title: Structured Systems Analysis Method Number: ISS102 0101, 0103, & Lab. Prerequisite: ISS101 and ISS101 Lab. or equivalent. Class Time: Monday & Wednesday: ISS1020101: 8:00am - 8:50 ISS1020103: 9:00am - 9:50 Lab. Lab. For ISS1020101: Tuesday 11:00am - 12:15 Lab. For ISS1020103: Tuesday 1:00pm - 2:15 Extended Lab For either class: Tuesday 12:15 - 1:00 or Monday nights 7:00pm - 8:00 or Thursday 1:15pm - 2:00 Instructor: Dr. Michael E. Thombs Office Hours: Monday 10:00am-12:00: O'Hare 204 or DEC Lab Monday Evenings: 8:00pm - 9:30pm O'Hare 204 Tuesday 12:15pm- 1:00: DEC Lab., Library Wednesday 10:00am-12:00: O'Hare 204 or DEC Lab Thursday 1:15pm- 2:00: DEC Lab., Library
Purpose of The Course: This course provides the student with an introduction to business information systems using the "top-down" process for systems analysis. Specific attention will be given to the first phase of the system life-cycle methodology, the system study. The importance of integrating various systems analysis activities, management, reviews and concurrent documentation will be stressed. A weekly Lab session will accompany this course. In the Lab, you will be introduced to some of the more popular and useful software-tools prevalent in business-oriented information systems today. Class assignments will provide reinforcement exercises. Lab Attendance is mandatory. Course Requirements: . Read the first five chapters and selected texts from chapters six and seven. Your instructor will recommend selected sections of the last two chapters. . Class handouts and supplemental reading assignments. . Class and Laboratory lecture notes and Lab projects . Library research for preliminary investigation analysis . Purchase and format three 3½" diskettes. Approach: Two regular classes will consist of classroom lectures, discussions, and oral reports by students. Software products used in lab will be demonstrated whenever possible in class prior to lab using a portable computer and an overhead. Labs are mandatory and will consist of supervised student activities on the computer in conjunction with laboratory assignments. Labs are due two weeks after they are assigned to receive full credit. Labs will be handed out in class prior to lab. Students who are ambitious may work on lab prior to the regularly scheduled lab period.
Required Text: SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, 2nd Edition, Shelly, Cashman, and Adamski. Boyd & Fraser.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course you will be able to: 1. Understand the meaning and business implications of the "system" concept. 2. Understand the importance of information systems to the overall success of the business enterprise. 3. Relate the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to the organizational decision making process within a company. 4. List and discuss activities included in each of the phases of the SDLC. 5. Understand in more precise terms the various activities in the study phase including the preliminary investigation, determining and analyzing requirements, information gathering, the content and conduct of the feasibility analysis, and the report to management. 6. Demonstrate hands-on expertise in computer-based software packages including: word processing, spreadsheets, and database management systems. 7. Describe the duties, role, and responsibilities of a Systems Analyst. 8. Write a system study report complete with an executive summary, appendices, graphs, and other appropriate charts. 9. Complete a feasibility analysis for each of several alternative information system solutions. 10. Perform effective interviews with end-users. 11. Perform the research necessary to prepare a report for the Study Phase of an information system project. 12. Give an oral presentation of the Study Phase report. 13. Understand the moral and ethical issues which can arise during an information systems project.
Class and Lab Attendance: . Attendance is mandatory and will be taken at the end of every class and lab. Authorized absences will be accepted only with prior approved notice. . Athletes must give written notice of absences prior to conflicting events from the head of the Athletic Department. . Each student missing a class or lab. is responsible for obtaining any and all information pertaining to the missed class lab. session(s). Class Policy: Class participation and class attendance are a positive factor considered when determining both the midterm and final grades. Students entering late will excuse themselves for the interruption to their classmates. Laboratory Policy: Students are encouraged to help each other, but all projects in all parts must be the original work of the individual passing such work for partial course credit. Your instructor has the right to demand proof at any time of the genuineness and originality of the work. This process would most likely be demonstrated by asking a student to reproduce a piece of the work from scratch at a terminal in a live performance. Normally, lab attendance will demonstrate originality of work. Exceptions can be made only when they are approved by the instructor during the first week of class.
Evaluation: Each student will be evaluated using a point system. Each course element successfully completed will earn points toward a final grade. 100 points earned is the same as a 100% grade using a percent grading system. Your grade will be determined by the following: 30 points for Lab. exercises. There are ten computer-based lab exercises. Each lab will accumulate up to three points. Each lab will be evaluated using a check minus, check, and check plus method. Zero points will be awarded for missing or plagiarized assignments. Labs will not be returned and it is each student's responsibility to verify that assignments have been received and recorded. The instructor will provide several opportunities for students to review lab records during regularly scheduled office hours. 5 points are subjectively awarded by the instructor for attendance and effort. 10 points Midterm Exam Chapters 1 & 2 Week five 15 points Final Exam Chapters 3 - 5 (Finals Week) 10 points Preliminary Investigation Report 5 points Preliminary Investigation Oral Presentation 20 points System Study Phase Report 5 points System Study Phase Oral Presentation Examinations: Prior notice must be given by the student if an examination will be missed. All such exams may be rescheduled at the discretion of the instructor. Please leave a phone message at extension 3115 before the class or lab. That will be missed.
Program Projects: