Course Title: Intermediate Application Programming - II Course number: ISS202 section 01 Time: Monday Evenings 5:30pm - 7:00pm Lab. Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm Dedicated Instructor: Dr. Michael Thombs Office Loc: O'Hare 204, Ex. 3115 Office Hours: Monday 10:00am-12:00n: O'Hare 204 or DEC Lab Monday 8:00pm- 9:30pm O'Hare 204 Tuesday 12:15pm- 1:00pm: DEC Lab., Library Wednesday 10:00am-12:00n: O'Hare 204 or DEC Lab Thursday 1:15pm- 2:00pm: DEC Lab., Library
Required Text: Turbo C++ for Windows: Programming for Beginners, Perry. SAMS 0-672-30229-2 Optional Texts: The Waite Group' The C Programming Using Turbo C++ by Lafore, SAMS. The Waite Group's Turbo C++ Bible, [optional but highly recommended], Naba Barkakati ISBN: 0-672-22742-8 SAMS. The Waite Group' Object - Oriented Programming In Turbo C++ by Lafore, Robert. SAMS 1-87873-906-9.
Course Objectives:
Course Requirements: Students are responsible for all reading assignments in the textbook. Class handouts and supplemental reading assignments. Class lecture notes. Lab projects (C++ for Windows practice programs.) Class Attendance: Attendance is mandatory and will be taken at the end of every class. Authorized absences will be accepted, only with prior notice. Athletes must give prior notice of absence by a written document from the Head of the Athletic Department. Each student missing a class is responsible for obtaining any and all information pertaining to the missed class session(s) from students who attended the class(es).
Evaluation: Examination(s) 45% 15 points for the week 5 evaluation period exam, midterm (week 8 or 9), and another 15 points will be awarded for the final exam if all questions are answered correctly. 45 C/C++ Programming Assignments. Assignments will be in the MS-Windows environment using Borland Turbo C++ for Windows. 10 Class and Lab. participation - Class participation can be a positive factor. The instructor reserves the right to review each student's progress at the terminal. Each student must evidence the authorship of the programs that they submit.
Program Projects: Programs must be structured and well documented. A magnetic copy must be presented along with the hardcopy listing of the program to receive credit for each project. Program listings must contain the following: a. Student name. b. Course number and section id.. d. Date of submission. e. Assignment number. Program projects will not be returned unless they are unsatisfactory. Students may make an appointment with the instructor to the review their code. Students wishing an acknowledgment of acceptance may attach a cover page to the listing. This page will be returned with comments and recommendations. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Copies of other student's work will be marked "F" and the occurrence will be immediately reported to the department chair and the academic dean in writing.