Title: Knowledge-Based and Decision Support Systems ISS534 Time: TBA Instructor: Dr. Michael E. Thombs Office Loc: O'Hare 204, Ex. 3115 Prerequisite: ISS502
Purpose: Expert Systems (ES) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) was once considered by some authorities as part of a broader field called Decision Support Systems (DSS). Over the past 20 years, AI and ES matured and became separate fields of study. It is ironic to see that this trend is reversing and the fields are coming together again. Today, there are many misconceptions about the domains covered by the titles: DSS, AI, and ES. This course will introduce the topic of AI and explore its constituent parts. The course includes working exercises using 1stClass Expert System Shell, VP-Expert System Shell, Lotus 1-2-3, and PROLOG. Students will perform laboratory exercises that will help them improve their appreciation and awareness of commercial software. Approach for Part - I: This part of the course will cover two thirds of the curriculum and provide two thirds of the earned grade. All assignments for Part - I of the course will be assigned prior to week 9 and by the end of the fall semester a partial grade will be calculated. The partial grade for this section will be added to your partial grade for the second section; two thirds KBS / one third: DSS. You will have the entire semester to complete project assignments. Class sessions will consist of lectures, discussions, oral reports by students, and software demonstrations using a portable computer with an overhead projection device, and supervised laboratory time.
Required Texts: - Building and Using Expert Systems with 1stClass. Mocciola. ( WorkBook ) - Developing Knowledge-Based Systems using VP-Expert. Dologite, MacMillian: ISBN:0-02-3811886-7. - Decision Support & Expert Systems. Turban, Efraim Optional Texts - KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS: An Introduction to Expert Systems. Mockler. MacMillian. ISBN: 0-02-381897-2 - Developing Business Expert Systems with LEVEL 5. Barker. ( Work Book ) - LEARNING A Survey of Psychological Interpretations. Winfred F. Hill, 5th ed. C1985 Harper and Row. ISBN: 0-06-042828-X - Artificial Intelligence: A Knowledge Based Approach, Firebaugh. Boyd & Fraser. ISBN:0-87835-325-9.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. present a conceptual overview of expert systems to managers, end-users, and colleagues. 2. design, build, and implement a prototype expert system using 1stClass Expert System Shell (ESS) or VP-Expert (ESS). 3. describe the major elements and phases of the Knowledge Base System Development Life Cycle. 4. discuss differences between two AI development software shells at the procedural level. 5. discuss the difference between general purpose AI languages such as LISP and PROLOG, Expert System Shells, and other development tools at the conceptual level. 6. describe the difference between rule-based production systems, neural networks, frame-based object-oriented development platforms, and languages that use predicate calculus. 7. discuss the role and function of a Knowledge Engineer and the knowledge acquisition process. 8. name the key historical figures and discuss their contribution to the field of AI. 9. discuss several successful AI implementations and the factors that lead to their success. 10.identify situations and applications where expert systems are appropriate.
Class Policy: Class participation and class attendance are a positive factor considered when determining both the midterm and final grades. Students entering late will excuse themselves for the interruption to their classmates. Course Requirements for Part - I: Students are responsible for all materials appearing in the textbook; class handouts and supplemental reading assignments; class lecture notes; lab. projects, lab. assignments, and practice projects. Each student missing a class is responsible for obtaining any and all information pertaining to the missed class session(s) from students who attended the class(es). The instructor should be notified about absences, ahead of time, via voice or E-Mail. Laboratory Policy: Students are encouraged to help each other, but all projects in all parts must be the original work of the individual or team passing such work for partial course credit. Your instructor has the right to demand proof at any time of the genuineness and originality of the work. This process would most likely be demonstrated by asking a student to reproduce a piece of the work from scratch at a terminal in a live performance. Class and Lab Attendance: - Attendance is mandatory and will be taken at the end of every class and lab. Authorized absences will be accepted only with prior approved notice. - Athletes must give written notice of absences prior to conflicting events from the head of the Athletic Department. - Each student missing a class or lab is responsible for obtaining any and all information pertaining to the missed class lab session(s).
Evaluation: Examination(s) Points: Exam: 15 Concepts Examination. Turban. Week 9. 15 1stClass Programming Project, reproduce in class assignment using student version of 1stClass. 15 VP-Expert Programming Project, reproduce the 1stClass project using VP-Expert System Shell. 5 PROLOG Sample program: debug, test, and execute 10 Module of Expertise MOE. Select a topic and software platform of interest. Research, develop, and present to the class an application that is relevant. 6 Class participation - Class participation can be a positive factor.
General Course Requirements: - Textbook readings and class handouts and supplements. - Class and Laboratory lecture notes. - Lab projects - Purchase and format three 3«" diskettes. - Research and present one current events project. Program Projects: Programs must be structured and well documented. A magnetic copy must be presented along with the hardcopy listing of the program to receive credit for each project. Program listings must contain the following: a. Student name. b. Course number and section id.. d. Date of submission. e. Assignment number. Program projects will not be returned unless they are unsatisfactory. Students may make an appointment with the instructor to the review their code. Students wishing an acknowledgement of acceptance may attach a cover page to the listing. This page will be returned with comments and recommendations. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Copies of other student's work will be marked "F" and the occurrence will be immediately reported to the department chair and the academic dean in writing.
Module of Expertise ( M.O.E. ) This is your opportunity to show what you have learned about knowledge-based system development and especially your topic. Your final product may be written, oral, or demonstrative. This outline lists the criteria that will be used to evaluate your MOE. 1. Relevance: You bear the responsibility to demonstrate the relevance of your topic to the field, your profession, academia, or another recognized group. You should think about originality, scope, and appropriateness of the level of complexity. 2. Choice of tools used: You should justify the appropriateness of the tools (software) used in conjunction with the subject domain, expertise levels available, and end- user interface. Be able to answer the question, Why is this tool the best choice for this application? Given the nature of discovery learning, it is also satisfactory to demonstrate how the tool(s) or techniques were not appropriate. Explain what went wrong, what you would do differently next time, and how would you perform a better preliminary investigation. 3. Knowledge Acquisition: Show how you acquired the knowledge used in your MOE. If you are doing a PURE research based project then describe how you would perform Knowledge Acquisition. 4. User interface: Demonstrate the depth of your knowledge using the tool or technique that you chose for your MOE. This is your chance to add color, graphics, hypertext, sound, and other available options that promote end-user acceptance and ease of use ( user friendly ). 5. Field Test: Did you test your project or theory on a small sample population? What were the results? There is no need to incorporate these suggestions into your prototype ( time restriction ) but you should document and share the evaluation criteria and results in your presentation or report. 6. General: Your paper or presentation should reflect a high level of quality appropriate for a major work done at the graduate level. All work should be professionally packaged and presented.