The event will only run if there is sufficient time. What is a Team Challenge? * * * Prizes * * * TEAM CHALLENGE Description: { Three to six teams will be allowed to compete by performing compulsory Free Style (FS) and Power Moves In The Field (MIF). There will be four elements in the challenge. They are: 1. Waltz Jump 2. Spin ( any type ) 3. Spiral ( any ) 4. Secret Weapon ! ! ! Rules: 1. Each team will have exactly four members. 2. Teams will choose a dress code color, for audience ( judges ) identification purposes 3. Teams may request placement in specific groups, but the skating school staff reserves the right to reorder team members to maintain balance of team member skating skills, and attempt to give each team a chance to win a prize. 4. No team member can do more than one element. 5. Each team will send one team member forward to execute the compulsory move, one element per team, one at a time. For example, all of the Waltz jumps from teams 1 through 6 will be executed before starting the next element, the Spin. 6. The Secret Weapon is a single move, jump, spin, or trick performed by one individual ! (Back Flips, Triple Axels, Pairs, and Similars moves are prohibited ! PLEASE - Safety First !) 7. Results and awards will be announced and awarded at the end of the show. Team Color Waltz Jump Spiral Spin Secret Weapon ---------- ---------- ------ ---- ------------- Blue Heidi D. Darcy B. Lynn D. Elizabeth C. Red Stephanie C. Cailin C. Chris T. Desiree I. Black Xaykham K. Kathleen D. Michelle J. Kristen C. Purple Jessica F. Kendall K. Emma W. Malay K. Yellow Jackie F. Kristy C. Jenna P. Kim C. Green Celeste W. Danielle A. Lindsay P. Amy T. * Everyone is to bring a bright colored shirt that matches their group. This can be used in the Macarena number. It can be worn over your regular costume to facilitate quick changes between numbers. Please check the schedule and see how much time you have to change between numbers. |