A Patron Saint for


Your Patron Saint is


                Marianus is similar to an Old French word "Marion" that means "Little Mary."
                Scotus  is  from an Old English word that means "From Scotland,
Place of  Tattooed  People."

                Does God like skills of healing or preaching better than skills of building or cooking?     Or does God think that eve single skill is important if it brings others to Jesus? Blessed Marianus Scotus had good handwriting. He used it for God.
                Marianus was born in Ireland over a thousand years ago. He dedicated his life to God at an early age. With several companions, he set out for Rome where he hoped to visit the many churches and tombs of the saints. While passing through Germany, the group arrived at a convent whose abbess, the nun in charge, was looking for someone to copy books. Since there were no printing presses at that time, every book or pamphlet was written by hand.
                "I can write well," Marianus said. "My companions can make the paper. We will stay here and help you."
                Marianus was a scholar who had beautiful handwriting. His lettering was small, perfect, and delicate. When he copied books, he wrote notes in the margin to help readers understand them better. Marianus wrote several copies of the entire Bible as well as books of psalms, prayers, and music. Many of these he gave away. He wrote at night, after a day of prayer and helping others.
                One evening, the woman who prepared the lamps for Marianus suddenly awoke. 'Oh, no! I have forgotten to get his lamps ready,' she thought. She awakened the other women who helped her and they tiptoed with the lamps to Marianus's room and peeked through the keyhole. Inside Marianus was writing with his right hand and holding his left in the air. From this hand, light shown.
                Marianus felt that God wished him to stay in the town so he never did get to Rome. All his life, he copied books and wrote poetry. Some of his manuscripts are still in existence. Toward the end of his life, he was given a church and governed a community of Irish brothers who came to him.
                What skill do you have that you think is not important? Marianus had good handwriting. He used that skill for God. Whatever your skill is, use it for God and become a saint, too.