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Supplement : Skeletons, Chumtoads, and Stukabats: Using the Cut Monsters

by : Dann - 13th December 1998

So you're mad they cut out the chum toads and Mr. Friendly's of the game. Well you can put them back. Given they don't have an AI, but you can have them idle of even scripted if you're feeling daring. Below is how I got the chum toads, skeletons and stukabats into a map.

Files: [Map|Source]


1) Entity type: monster_generic
model = models/skeleton.mdl
angle = 0

2) Entity type: monster_generic
targetname = skeleton
model = models/skeleton.mdl
angle = 135

3) Entity type: scripted_sequence
Target Monster (m_iszEntity) = skeleton
Idle Animation (m_iszIdle) = s_sitting (This is the one that makes the skeleton sit up, rather than lie down)
Move to position (m_fMoveTo) = No (0)

Okay, the little boxes are just roaches and the slender purple lines are just brushes. The three numbered one are the important things. The first one (1) is just a monster_generic with the model flag set to models/skeleton.mdl and the angle left at zero so his feet point east. The second (2) is the same except it's given a targetname of skeleton. This will be used next. The purple box is the scripted_sequence that tells the skeleton (with the name 'skeleton') to cycle through the 's_sitting' animation. Since this is only one frame, it will just sit there.


1) Entity type: scripted_sequence
targetname = hang
Target Monster (m_iszEntity) = bat
Idle Animation (m_iszIdle) = Preen_fidget (This is unimportant, because we going to change it before you ever see the bat)
Move to position (m_fMoveTo) = Instantaneous (4)

2) Entity type: monster_generic
model = models/stukabat.mdl
angle = 189

3) Entity type: trigger_auto
target = hang
Delay = .5
trigger state = On (1)

4) Entity type: trigger_auto
target = hang
Delay = 1
trigger state = Off (0)

Slightly more complex than the last and more of a pain to figure out on you own than to copy. I had the worst time trying to get these guys on the ceiling, since they kept falling off, and if I put an invisible brush under them, they start being surrounded by glowing balls. And when I tried to use a scripted_sequence to get them up there, they'd play their script and not default to their random idle animations. So what I did, was use a trigger_auto (which triggers something on the start of the map) to start the scripted_sequence and move the bat into the right position (defying gravity) and then another trigger_auto to stop the script. A nice side effect which work for me, was that it stayed in the same spot. So it stoped its scripted animation and started doing it's own random idle movements. Notice on the side view that the purple boxes are half-way through the ceiling, this is just for positioning. There are also three more group, which are all identical.

Chum Toads

The same thing was done for chum toads, so there is not much need to explain it. Please look through the source, if you have any questions.

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Over copies printed since Sept 1998