By Alex & Dann. March 23rd
[Introduction] [Configuration] [Gameplay] [Which Class?] [Scenarios] [Tips n' Hints] [Screenshots] [Credits]
Which Class?
Wondering which class to use? Look below for a run-down of the classes.
Stadard weapons - There are some weapons shared between classes. Keep in mind the slots can
change per class and don't always have to be the weapon mentioned here:
Slot 1) - Crowbar - Standard, meelee weapon.
Slot 2) - Shotgun - Can hold 8 shots, and has a fast reload.
Slot 3) - SuperShotgun - Can hold 16 shots at one time, and fires two per shot. Quieter than the regular shotgun.
Slot 4) - Nailgun - Quiet and fast. Similar to quake.
Standard Grenade - Same as the one in Half-life but not as bouncy.
Overview: This is the dude that captures the flag. He really can't fight that well, but he's
agile and can screw up some of the other team's strategy.
Standard Weapons:
1) Crowbar
2) Shotgun
3) --
4) Nailgun
5) --
Grenade 1) Caltrops - 5 are spread out and cause 6 damage. They will disappear after a short while. When stepped on, in addtion to causing damage, the person will be slowed down quite a bit.
Grenade 2) Shockwave - A concussion ring spreads out over a small distance and disorients people for 10 seconds.
Display the location of the flag.
Special Stuff:
1) Reveils the Spy's disguise so he looks normal.
2) Disarms the demoman's detpacks.
Both work on touch.
Overview: What he lacks in personal defense, he can make
up in damage, but not in a run-and-gun way. The sniper needs a sure shot to make a kill.
Standard Weapons:
1) Crowbar
2) Sniper Rifle - A single tap won't fire this, so you'll need to hold the fire key down for just a moment.
Holding it longer will adjust the aim and make it more precise and cause more damage as well as display a dot.
3) Auto Rifle - Not as powerful as the sniper rifle, but much quicker.
4) Nailgun
5) --
Grenade 1) Standard
Grenade 2) --
Zooms in when the sniper rifle is selected.
Special Stuff:
Overview: A standard all-around soldier. USefull for both defense and
flag getting if need be.
Standard Weapons:
1) Crowbar
2) Shotgun
3) SuperShotgun
4) --
5) Rocket Launcher - Hold 4 rockets which can be fired without reloading. It is very fast, around the speed of
Grenade 1) Standard
Grenade 2) Nail grenade - When thrown it rises into the air and sends out a network of nails which cause damage and then set off the bomb in the center.
Reloading, whoohoo!.
Special Stuff:
Ability to rocket jump.
Overview: A bombs expert. Mainly for fragging the other team.
Standard Weapons:
1) Crowbar
2) Shotgun
3) --
4) Grenade Launcher - Similar to quake, you fire, it bounces and explodes, unless you hit an enemy, then it explodes on contact.
5) Pipe Bomb Launcher - Same as above but can be triggered through a remote. There is a limit, and they will start exploding on turn with each new on you fire. .
Grenade 1) Standard
Grenade 2) Mirv grenades - A grenade is thrown and then explodes, reveiling four more, which in turn explode.
Remote pipe bomd detonater.
Special Stuff:
Det packs. You must bind a key to either +det5 +det20 or +det50, which are 5 second detonation, 20 and 50 respectivly.
Both work on touch.
Overview: A minimal fighter, but can heal other players.
Standard Weapons:
1) Health pack
2) Shotgun
3) SuperShotgun
4) Nailgun
5) --
Grenade 1) Standard
Grenade 2) Shockwave - A concussion ring spreads out over a small distance and disorients people for 10 seconds.
Switches to medkit.
Special Stuff:
Can heal others and self, but needs ammo for it to work. Any illness can be healed, whether it is hallucination, disease, caltrops or standard damage.
Adrenaline will be added to players who are at 100% health. Each boost adds 5 health point which can add up to 150 total max.
Disease can be given to other enemies, which will drain their health and can also be spread to other enemies if they get near.
Heavy Weapons Guy
Overview: A very slow, high damage dude.
Only good for defense.
Standard Weapons:
1) Crowbar
2) Shotgun
3) SuperShotgun
4) --
5) Chaingun - Take a bit to get started, but then starts dealing out pain. It is very innaccurate at long range,
but there's enough being spewed out to be effective.
Grenade 1) Standard
Grenade 2) Mirv Grenade
Selects chaingun.
Special Stuff:
Overview: Weakens enemies for others to pick off.
You probably end up doing 90% of the work and get no credit if you on an unexperienced team, so makes sure the rest
realize your key role.
Standard Weapons:
1) Crowbar
2) Shotgun
3) --
4) Flamethrower - Fires fire. It will also ctahc people on fire for a while, unless they jump in water of get healed by a mdeic.
5) Incendiary Cannon - Fire s a slow rocket which burns enemies.
Grenade 1) Standard
Grenade 2) Napalm - When thrown, a floor of fire will be spread outand cause damage for a while.
Selects the flamethrower.
Special Stuff:
Cannot be caught on fire.
Overview: Very sneaky and can walk amoung the enemy
without being noticed.
Standard Weapons:
1) Knife - Lethal in one 'back-stab'
2) Silenced Pistol - Is quiet but has a delayed firing rate.
3) SuperShotgun
4) Nailgun
5) --
Grenade 1) Standard
Grenade 2) Hallucination - Causes 3 points of damage per second, but also but the person on an acid trip, and they start seeing sparks and wobbling around, and hearing guns shots and crowbar whack. Scary stuff.
Can feign death either slightly or a full fledged death.
Can change colors or class, but loose this ability when you attack.
Special Stuff:
Reveils the Spy's disguise so he looks normal on touch.
Sentry guns will not fire at you if your disguised.
Overview: A minmal fighter but can build usefull objects.
Standard Weapons:
1) Wrench - Hits things but the ammo shown is the ammount you have to build things.
2) Railgun -
3) SuperShotgun
4) --
5) --
Grenade 1) Standard
Grenade 2) EMP grenade - Will send out a very highly damaging ring, also exploding any other form of explodives nearby.
Building sentry guns. You can only have one at a given time and they are weak. It takes 4 second to build.
Upgrading sentry guns. Using your wrench and a lot of metal, you can add speeds, health and rockets you your sentry.
Building dispensers. These will dispense ammo and armor.
Special Stuff:
You can also add armor to player directly, a la medic style, using your wrench.
Dropping ammo will drop even kinds that you don't have, because you can build them.