Back Issue 15 - 26th Dec to 1st Jan 1999
Battle Arena HL TC
Got a titbit of news from Chocolate Muffin (nice name!) about a new TC group called Impalement Productions who are working on a TC called Battle Arena. This TC is apparently going to be a hybrid of Quake Arena and Killer Quake. For more info, and if you think you'd like to help out then check out their website.
Money! Money! Money!
S3 are holding the S3TC/Quake II/Half-Life Level Contest with prizes of 5,000 dollars up for grabs! 1st round winners wil recieve a S3 Savage3D-based board capable of supporting 2k x 2k textures (woo-hoo!? is that good or bad, I dont know!) except the competition is open to US Residents ONLY how fair is that? I mean they sell S3 boards over here in Europe, thanks a bunch S3.
Update by Alex - 01 January 1999 19:02:08
Far2Cool HL DM 1!
Well I've been burning the midnight oil of late working on the first (and probably the last!) Half-Life level I intend to release, called (somewhat obviously) Far2Cool DM 1 ;-) Anyways if you want a sneak peek, I've put up a screenshot. It leaves quite a lot to the imagination (its pretty dark too!), but hey, I'm not going to give it all away am I!
If you want to know when to expect it? When its Done!
Update by Alex - 31 December 1998 13:08:05
Gunman Model
Seen that the The Gunman TC has got a screenie (below) of a new model called the Emporer Xenome which looks pretty weird! The've also released a short video, take a look here (linked from
Also there is a new deathmatch map, called The Maze released by DeCyber Half-Life. And an editing site which is new to me, called The 69th Vladtitude with some interesting (contraversial?) articles.
Update by Alex - 31 December 1998 09:25:14
Voodoo Visuals
If you're not satisfied that you're getting the most out of your Voodoo I/II card take a gander at this page on VE. It goes way over my head really, just too many setting than really nesecary, but I'll see what I can make out of it and make a laymans configs which you can try out.
Well Texture Me Silly!
Got this e-mail from TiberianSoldier about a map pack which he and some mates are getting off the ground... he needs some help though, so if you've got a few free moments get South-Park-Texturing!
You can download the (171Kb) if you havent already.
We here at Liquid Ice in Sweden needs some help with creating textures and models for a release of a couple of South Park(ish) maps for half-life. This is a one man thing (I'm not getting any help from my fellow designers) so I need all the help I can get from you guys to get thees maps out as soon as posible. What I need is South Parkish textures of EVERY THING you can come up with, and if you are good at animating and making models you can help me out by creating Kenny, Stan, Kyle, Big Gay Al and so on. If I get help you'll see this "pack" really soon and it will all be free.
Send you're textures to
On the subject of editing, I saw a new site over at Planet Half-Life where you can download prefabs, although actually I dont think that that is where orginality really comes from. But Hey! If you're lacking... take a look.
Rumour also has it that the new Half-Life SDK might rear its ugly head by the end of this week... we'll keep you posted.
Oh, almost forgot, hope everyone had a cracker of a Christmas (s'cuse the pun ;) and everyone will be going out on the beers New Years Eve (I know I certainly will!).
Update by Alex - 29 December 1998 20:20:07
MX300 Review
If you're wondering what 3D sound adds to Half-life, check out this review by Game of the moment:
Hey I run a new website I just started called The Game of the Moment.
Normally I just let the readers vote on the current hottest game and
then cover that game, but I am considering branching into hardware as
well, and since I got a Diamond MX300 for Christmas I thought it would
be cool to write up a review for the card. Well I loved the card, I
think it rules. You can read my full review at
I think it's important that Half-Life
players everywhere know just how much the MX300 adds to the Half-Life
experience, so let's spread the word! :) Hey love the site, keep up the
good work. Catch ya later.
Update by Dann - 27 December 1998 15:03:50
TF2 article
Goalie of the RIYF army has written up a nice article on the decision for Team Fortress 2
to be a stand-alone product. If you're annoyed by this latest decision, you should take a look.
Update by Dann - 26 December 1998 23:21:35
New deCyber Map
deCyber, the maker's of quality Half-life maps, have released their first offical map:
deCyber Halflife official release
The new map from deCyber Halflife is ready to be released. This is the
first map from
deCyber Halflife but not the last. The deCyber family is one of the
biggest map sites on
the net when it comes to Unreal, Duke and now also Halflife.
The new map is called THE COMPOUND and creator is Mark Austin, Many know
Marks work from Quake 2 and Unreal where his maps are rated high on all
review sites.
After testing the new map we are sure that it will be one of the maps
you'll see a lot on
the many servers.
Michael Lohmann
deCyber Halflife
AND GUYS....Please use this url when you redirect people to our site and
the 9 shots
there. We need to get more builders and we can only do that when people
knows us.
And when we are known for our maps you guys will get tons of stuff to
write about.
Update by Dann - 26 December 1998 21:42:40