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Back Issue 21 - 4th Feb to 12th Feb 1999

Division Border

Demo Yesterday

   Sorry, had to complete that pattern, ok 3d Action Gamers have some mirrors for all you backstabbing your friends for spots on the PCGamer server. Here's what they say

We just added the Half-Life demo to the 3D Action Gamers' Archive: or directly from our Half-Life page:

We'd appreciate it if you add that page to your list of mirror sites, if you keep one on your Half-Life site.


Frans P. de Vries | fpv@gamers.org | 3D Action Gamers' Archive maintainer

Update by Dann - 13 February 1999 2:27:47
Division Border

Demo today

   Yes, it's still technically the same day as the last post, but it's been like 23 hours and the demo's out. Go to here and try the slotmachines for an opening to download it. If I feel crazy I might mirror it, but i have to get the thing first :)

Update by Dann - 12 February 1999 23:30:46

Demo maņana

   Yes, it's finally going to happen? What the apocalypse? well close, it's the half-life demo. Buuuut... it's going to have all new levels to give you a sense of Half-life without ruining the game. So current players and those who haven't gotten it yet, will be in for a treat. Here's a blurb I stole from sCary:
Sierra Studios, Valve Software, and PC Gamer Online will launch Half-Life: Uplink, the official public demo for the worldwide smash hit game, Half-Life, today Friday at noon at www.pcgamer.com .

Half-Life: Uplink is a never-before seen mini-mission and the official public demo for the worldwide smash hit game, Half-Life. "Half-Life: Uplink is a free never-before-seen Half-Life mini-mission," said Gabe Newell, co-founder of Valve. "In creating the demo, we wanted to give new players an experience that captures the essence of what makes Half-Life the Game of the Year, plus provide current Half-Life players with exciting, all-new content."

Update by Dann - 12 February 1999 2:16:56
Division Border


   Sven from Atomic Half-life has written up a modem to modem tutorial.
There's a step-by-step tutorial for Half-Life modem play up on Atomic Half-Life... Unlike most other similar tutorials, it works for people who do NOT have MS Plus.
The tutorial is for Windows 95, but I've been told that it works with Windows 98 too.
It should theoretically work with _all_ games that work over a TCP/IP or IPX network but don't have direct modem play options (e.g. Quake2).


   The HEC has posted a new tutorial explaining how to use QERadiant and the Half-Life plugin! Check it out here. Also coding tutorials will follow tonight.

Update by Dann - 11 February 1999 14:06:32
Division Border

TF Classic Shots

   Many thanks to the guys over at PlanetFortress for allowing me to mirror their exclusive TeamFortress Classic screenhots, check them out here.

   BTW, if anyone had wondered who the sicko was who posted the screenshot to your right... it was Dann so thanks for all the nice comments!! heh

Update by Alex - 10 February 1999 19:57:32
Division Border

Rate us

   I've added a little rating form in the lower part of the menu, for the new Gamespyder yahoo-esk directory site. I've set the default to be ten to save you time because I know your time is valuable and I don't want to be using much of it, so just head on down and click submit ;)

Update by Dann - 09 February 1999 23:07:35

TeamFortress : Classic Screenies

   PlanetFortress has aquired some excellent new screenhots of TeamFortress Classic for Half-Life, it really does look excellent, almost a totally new in game in itself! I suggest you head over there for a gander.

Warmer Fusion?

   It appears that good ole Cold Fusion have once again come to my attention with a new two-model pack for your delectation, chickens or something!?!

Update by Alex - 09 February 1999 18:47:25
Division Border

Cold Fusion Models

   Some news guy I'm supposed to be! I've just seen a modelling site over on PHL called, Cold Fusion, there is a new model called SCUD, the disposal assasin hopefully its worth downloading, as I'm downloading it now!

Voodoo III

   Check out this page for details on the upcoming Voodoo III boards, apparently the're going to be cheap and pretty damned quick!!
So what's the real beef with the Voodoo 3 chipset ? Well, it's gonna be cheap. A full featured 16 Mb Voodoo 3 board will ship for less money than a single Voodoo 2 board, while it offers more than double performance, and 2D. It's not sure when Voodoo 3 board will be shipping, but I think we might see the first board in retail stored by the end of March. I've been promised a Voodoo 3 3000 by the end of this month, so be sure the check back for full benchmarks.
   Should make Half-Life and TeamFortress II run like a dream!

Broken Promises?

   Was it me or do I remember rightly that the Half-Life SDK and TeamFortress II : Classic were going to be released last month? Correct me if I'm wrong... not that I could be arsed to change this update!

Update by Alex - 08 February 1999 20:25:22
Division Border

Blacksmith Shop

   Dredd from the Blacksmith Shop has moved and is sporting some tutorials and other editing needs.


   A new domain popped up called Halflifenews.com. It has a nice deisgn, so check it out.

Update by Alex - 06 February 1999 18:53:34

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