Half-Life@Far2Cool - Half-Life is our life. Let us make it yours! Edition Printed


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Back Issue 22 - 12th Feb to 19th Feb 1999

Division Border

Down for a while. But not out!

   To let everyone know, that www.far2cool.com will be going offline for a few days, starting sometime this week. We'll be coming up again as soon as possible.

   Many thanks to Business Corporations Network for their kind sponsorship of this site! If you're looking for a web-based solution, head over to BCN and I'm sure the'll be happy to sort you out!

Update by Alex - 22 February 1999 23:26:39 Division Border

Yes. SP Heaven!

   Yep. For certain. Download Drug Barons. Its well worth it. Typically its an excellent map produced by a fellow UK'er ;-)

Update by Alex - 21 February 1999 15:39:02 Division Border

Singleplayer Heaven? Quite.

   Am currently downloading 4MB of drugfinal.zip which, to you and me is apparently a follow on to the end of Half-Life called Drug Barons. Radium give this map 70 so you can either belive them or not, I'lllet you know what I reckon later this weekend.

Gunman Monster. Late.

   I probably missed this a few weeks ago, but here is the first screenshot of a monster out of the Gunman TC, apparently its called a Rustbot. Looks cool in a werd kind of way.

Update by Alex - 20 February 1999 18:45:16 Division Border

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