Back Issue 24 - 26th Feb to 5th Mar 1999
Hang On A Mo.
Well it looks like it will be the beginning of next week when we'll be moving hosts so if the site is down dont fret, just wait a couple of days and we'll be back online, bigger and better than ever! woo-hoo! We'll not be updating until the move is completed. If want to get in touch with either myself or Dann, use the following e-mail addresses, and
Bits n' Bobs
To keep you ticking over with Half-Life continue to check out Radium, especially the singleplayer maps section. There are now around ten levels/packs I belive you can choose from. I've downloaded and played all of them and the're all pretty 'interesting' but just not quite up to scratch as far as I'm concerned.
Its about time one of you hardcore editing freaks did something about it and put your map making talents to good use, deathmatch maps are now 2-a-penny (British phase!) so its getting harder and harder for them to stand out. A good singleplayer level will really rock the boat...
Update by Alex - 27 February 1999 10:19:54