Phantasim Squad |
Welcome |
Only by treating everyone as our neighbors, with dignity and respect,
can wehope to maintain the element of surprise on that inevitable day when wewipe our enemies off
the face of the earth
Welcom to Phantasim, a division of RIYF. We arethe best at a game that isnt out yet. We will have our
own skins for ourguys and stuff, possibly ppm's ( hope hope hope). Join our squad by goingto the RIYF
homepage and going to the join section. In the thing it shouldsay join phantasim squad. Also send me mascots,
story's and pictures andI'll put them up, I dont care to much if they are any good or not.
I was takin some screenshots when this guy started gettin nasty with our princess
Got a new pic of psycho pig from Dann
This is our fate, the Martians are coming to enslave us in there saucer ships and they will shoot
us if we resist. There is no hope..... I was having fun with the new paint prog I got. Only problem
with it is that it dosent have any other colours other than black. I can view colours, I just
cant paint in them....

Dann The Mann sent me this pic of Rantino Fly
Crack Pot, creator of cyberchicken, sent me his yet to be named squirl
Ok, this is not what I originally had in mind for The floating nerd, but i think it turned out
good. I think he needs a story to go with him so like make one up and send me it.
I finally did something, and here is my original conception of rocket bunny. ( i suck at computer art)
Dann The Man sent me his picture of the psycho pig mascot on the mascot's page in RIYF