Hl-back -- The background for half-life.net, and the twisted zoo, a grey tile BG. (test) Links -- 'Links' written diagonally. (test) Halfback11 -- Similar to halfback7 only with one smaller half-life symbol. (test) Halfback10 -- Old film background. (test) Halfback9 -- Same as danlava only with a lens flare in the center. (test) Halfback8 -- Black with a faint blue half-life symbol in center. (test) Halfback7 -- Multicolored half-life symbols along the edge, preferably for a menu frame. (test) Halfback6 -- Same as rfdann only with a small half-life symbol. (test) Halfback5 -- Yellow with grey Half-life symbol. (test) Halfback4 -- Half-life written diagonally across a red and orange background. (test) Halfback3 -- Green clouds with a cross weave half-life symbol. (test) Halfback2 -- Purple cloud with a raised Half-life symbol. (test) Halfback -- Similar to above only MUCH brighter and yellowish. (test) Halfarmy -- Army colored Half-life background. (test) Rfdann2 -- Same as above only intended for a menu frame. (test) Rfdann -- A blue and black cloud background. (test) Danlava -- An orange and redish brick background. (test) Dancloud -- A cloud background. (test)