D a n n ' s W e b S t u f f

Table of Contents
  [Layouts | Images | Backgrounds]
[Javascripts | Flash 3]

L a y o u t s
The Twisted Zoo -- A Skin and Model Half-life site.
All internal links should be functional.

Half-life.net -- The first draft for Half-life.net modified from a draft originally made by Zyfly of Frag.com.
Only the front page is active, no links work.

Half-life.net 2 -- The second draft for Half-life.net mostly done by Dreamline after which I added only the menu and menu grafix.
Only the front page is active, no links work.

RantînoFly -- A site I planned to update often but just got too overwhelming.
All internal links should be functional.

Salve4 Webpac - Frames -- The Salve library INNOPAC page version 1.
Salve4 Webpac - Non-frames -- The Salve library INNOPAC page version2.
Only the front page is active, no internal links work.

FLASHY!! -- A sample page I am constructing that will be only Flash 3.
Currently under construction.

Half-life.net 3 -- Yet another attempt to make Half-life.net a happy layout.

Far2Cool -- A Layout I designed for Far2Cool.com

Crowbar MOD -- A Layout I did for a Corwbar MOD for Half-life.

I m a g e s
RantînoFly -- The RantînoFly image that isn't seperated for a layout.
- JPEG ~18K

Tail -- The tail image on the RantînoFly page that isn't seperated for a layout.
- JPEG ~5.6K

Bug -- A side view of a redish bug.
- JPEG ~18.6K

Bug2 -- A fictitiuos bug I made up.
- JPEG ~24K

Bullet -- A bullet hole with smoke.
- GIF ~14K

Cac1 -- Grass that can be included in the cactus scene.
- GIF ~1.5K

Cac2 -- A cactus.
- GIF ~3.4K

Cow Skull -- A desert cow skull.
- GIF ~2.2K

Horn -- Oxen horns mounted on a wall.
- GIF ~5K

Shot -- A bullet in mid-air.
- GIF ~2.7K

Vulture -- A cartoony vulture.
- GIF ~14K

Psycho Pig -- A Pig Mascot that I made for the first Half-life clan.
- JPEG ~135.6K

Psycho Pig 2 -- A much better version.
- JPEG ~21.6K

Psycho Pig 3 -- Another version of the Pyscho Pig, where news posts go in the mouth.
- JPEG ~13.4K

Psycho Pig News -- A parody of the BlueNews logo using the Psycho Pig.
- JPEG ~33.6K

RIYF button -- A button (netscape now size) that I made for the first Half-life clan.
- GIF ~47.6K

RIYF logo -- A logo that I made for the first Half-life clan.
- JPEG ~21K

RIYF menu -- A menu I made for the first Half-life clan before the flash one below (view coords).
- GIF ~34K

Half-life.net logo -- A banner that I made for Half-life.net.
- JPEG ~8.4K

Half-life.net logo 2 -- Another banner that I made for Half-life.net.
- JPEG ~8K

Salve4 Webpac splash screen v.1 -- An image map I made for the Salve INNOPAC page.
- GIF ~19K

Salve4 Webpac splash screen v.2 -- An image map I made for the Salve INNOPAC page.
- GIF ~19K

Salve4 Webpac splash screen v.3 -- An image map I made for the Salve INNOPAC page.
- GIF ~19K

Sin Player Database -- A logo/menu I made for a gaming site. coords
- JPEG ~25K

Breddy's Homepage -- A logo/menu I made for a personal site.
- JPEG ~24K

Crowbar Logo -- A scientist, holding a radiant crowbar.
- GIF ~32K

Crowbar Art -- A crowbar cracked into the pavement.
- JPEG ~17K

ElectroChitin Logo -- A 2Nacetylglucosemine molecule, being lite by lightning. Also the logo for the ElectroChitin division of the RIYF army.
- GIF ~14.5K

B a c k g r o u n d s
Dancloud -- A cloud background. (test)

Danlava -- An orange and redish brick background. (test)

Rfdann -- A blue and black cloud background. (test)

Rfdann2 -- Same as above only intended for a menu frame. (test)

Halfarmy -- Army colored Half-life background. (test)

Halfback -- Similar to above only MUCH brighter and yellowish. (test)

Halfback2 -- Purple cloud with a raised Half-life symbol. (test)

Halfback3 -- Green clouds with a cross weave half-life symbol. (test)

Halfback4 -- Half-life written diagonally across a red and orange background. (test)

Halfback5 -- Yellow with grey Half-life symbol. (test)

Halfback6 -- Same as rfdann only with a small half-life symbol. (test)

Halfback7 -- Multicolored half-life symbols along the edge, preferably for a menu frame. (test)

Halfback8 -- Black with a faint blue half-life symbol in center. (test)

Halfback9 -- Same as danlava only with a lens flare in the center. (test)

Halfback10 -- Old film background. (test)

Halfback11 -- Similar to halfback7 only with one smaller half-life symbol. (test)

Links -- 'Links' written diagonally. (test)

Hl-back -- The background for half-life.net, and the twisted zoo, a grey tile BG. (test)

HlNetBack -- Another Background I made for Half-life.net. (test)

J a v a s c r i p t s
Randomizer -- A random image generator.

Complex Randomizer -- Designed for people who know what they're doing, and don't want others to grab the code easily.

Pulldown menu -- A menu made out of pulldown menus.
Note: all links point to a frame called 'Main'

Radio buttons -- Images and text are replaced using radio buttons.

F l a s h 3
DDmain (~7K) -- An animating logo for my previous Half-life site.

DDmenu (~28.5K) -- A compact menu I made for the same site.
Note: all links point to a frame called 'Main'

HodgesMain (~25K) -- A splash screen I made for a company.
Note: If you see a gif instead of a Flash plugin, then you do not have flash installed. Please visit Macromedia to download this.
2nd Note: This flash automatically goes to the hodgesmenu.html.

HodgesMenu (~26.6K) -- The menu for the same site.
Note: If you see a gif instead of a Flash plugin, then you do not have flash installed. Please visit Macromedia to download this.

Morph (~5.6K) -- 'Hodges Badge' morphing from primitive shapes.

Space (~13.4K) -- A flash that I made for my dad's site.
Note: If you see an html document instead of a Flash plugin, then you do not have flash installed. Please visit Macromedia to download this.

Spheres and sliders (~5.6K) -- Some effects I made using Flash.

Presentation (~79K) -- A combination of Hodges main, Hodges menu, morph, space, spheres and sliders, and some capabilities of Flash 3 animation and interactivity.

Green Spheres (~2.7K) -- Simple effects using green spheres.

Fly (~7K) -- Beware of swatting flies.

The Haunted House (~23K) -- A looping animation of a haunted house.

Kenny meets Half-life (~32K) -- Kenny from Southpark meets a friendly creature fromt he upcoming game Half-life.

RIYF menu 1 (~10.6K) -- A menu I made for the first Half-life clan.

RIYF menu 2 (~19.1K) -- The second menu I made for the first Half-life clan, this time white.

RIYF main page (~10.6K) -- A splash screen for RIYF.

Atomic Half-life menu (~11K) -- A menu I made for Atomic Half-life.

Waste of Time1.1 (~224.7K) -- A knock-off of Monty Python's Complete Waste of time.

Waste of Time1.2 (~224.7K) -- A later version which contains more, but due to a Harddrive crash, it has a few mid-developement bugs.

Decal Tutorial (~187.7K) -- A tutorial for making decals in Half-life.

ElectroChitin Intro (~21.9K) -- An animation from a single Hydrogen atom to a bug, which then plays a video game.

ElectroChitin Main (~56.9K) -- The rest of the site, which uses a 2Nacetylglucosemine molecule as a menu.

(c)1998-1999 by no real copyright, but this looks cool and makes people who look at it fast scared and think I'm professional.