






River dance is all fake. They pre-recorded the in-sync tapping and just have the people dancing around. The milli-vanilli(sp?) of the 90's. They also played the ad for "RiverWalk" again, funny stuff.

How Phil Hartman really died. This will probably be in the papers either Tuesday or Wednesday. The was some woman in hollywood, making shameful money if you know what I mean, who was also addicted to coccaine. Phil Hartman fell in love and tried to set her straight but she started hanging out with the old crowd later on, so BANG. I forget the rest

The spice girls have found a replacement for Ginger Spice. Cheetos has payed a large promotional fees to have Chester Cheesto(a guy in a costume) to finish off the tour.

How Frank Sinatra eat a Reeses:
[sounds of shovels]
Girl:"This is so Wrong"
[creeking of hinges]
Guy:"Okay open his mouth"
[Reeses cup being dropped]
Guy:Okay now make him chew

How Phil Hartman eats a Reeses:
Mmm, this looks good

How Christopher Reeve eats a Reeses:
[wheels creaking slowly]
Ummph, ermmm, umph
Yum, yum, yum

How Ellen Degenerous eats a Reeses:
(I'm not going into this one)

Started off with a letter from a listener about racism. He made a few good points about indian reservations, and how minorities will never be treated the same.

Turd and Puppet decided to have a fight and were going to go down to the local dojo to battle it out. Turd is 250+ lbs, and Puppet is a 3 ft. midget that knows martial arts. I never found out how that turned out though, b/c I had to leave my car.

More talk of summoning demons came up. They plan to try to summon a demon so they can interview it on the show. The secondary idea is to give an idea of what hell's like and convert them to God, somewhat like how the excorcist movie did.

Somewhere he did a phone scam where he called a carpet cleaner and asked if they cleaned car-pets, as in pets in a car. While doing this he pretended to be a retarded guy having a poodle named Bobby. The woman tried to act nice but just got tired of it and the woman hung up after Mancow started acting very strange.

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