News                                     §hadow çlan
Members                                         [§ç]


    Requirements for joining §hadow çlan.

        *Must be fairly active. Meaning you must keep up to date on clan news. You MUST be online AT LEAST once per week unless you are on a vacation or your computer is down, any reason like that is ok but, not reporting for more then 1 week without a valid excuse is not acceptable.

        *Must have icq and irc. If you dont have icq go to and get it. If you dont have irc go to and get it.

        *Must be somewhat talented. We are not very selective on how good you are but we will not accept newbies.

        *Must be willing to obey the rules in the rules section.
          *Must have a 33.6k connnection or better.

    If you think you can deal with those requirements email Jinx at In the email include your gaming name, your icq#, your email address, how long you have been playing, and tell me any other reasons why I would want to accept you into [§ç].