Ryan in your Filth
Our hosted clan, Roll in your Filth, has officially merged with the really cool
DM mod, Operation Overlord (formerly Saving Private Ryan).
Open Reply
An open relpy to ZaMoose's open letter. It is a very good read.
And I have to admit I agree with what both say to an extent. Go read the
original letter and the
-Dann - 7:42 P.M. EST
Nova Marines move
Tintivilo of the Nova Marine's sent me an e-mail about the marines moving:
Clan Nova Marines has moved from Halflife.org to
http://www.digivill.net/~tint/nova/ the original home to the Nova
Marines. My current e-mail address will be intivilous@home.net. This is
just so people don`t go looking and not find us :). We are still alive
and kicking. Thanks
-Dann - 4:01 P.M. EST
SiN and Half-life
There is a mention of Half-life at GamePen's Insider Column: "What's Happening in Gaming!", actually its an editorial for Ritual's SiN Demo and the current state of FPS, which is juxtaposed with Valve's Half-life. Heres the stuff:
As I played Sin, I remember thinking, "wow, I’m so glad there are two competing FPS games" and this is really the first time we as gamers have had such a luxury. Sure, Duke Nukem 3D and Doom were competitors while Quake and Unreal are technically competitors, but nothing like the race going on between Sin and Half-Life. Here we have
two games; both trying to model realistic environments, integrate story, and innovate gameplay, and both struggling to ship before the other. With Ritual and Valve striving to deliver the best possible competitive product (and if they say they’re not worried about or competing with the other, they’re lying), the ante continually is
raised on games of this type which is good. Good for us all, for out of this, we’re seeing some stellar games making it no longer, "which one will I buy?" but "which one will I buy first?"
Me Personally? its gonna be Half-life!
-Runabout - 2:18 P.M. EST
VE's Half-life Preview
Voodoo Extreme has its Half-life preview up. Cool who visited Valve's offices a couple of weeks ago has seen the latest build of the game, here's a sampling:
"To sum up this brief preview, I gotta say that Half-Life will 0wn the FPS market for some time, this
game has Game of the Year stamped all over its ass, if you don't get this game I'll personally break you down :) "
Included are new screenshots of VE's preview of the game and Valve's offices here.
-Runabout - 10:47 P.M. EST