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Press Release 8


Bellevue, WA (November 17, 1998) - On the heels of Sunday's announcement from Sierra Studios when the Primary Server program for their upcoming game Half-Life was launched, the company announced today that they are closing the program due to the overwhelming number of applicants in the pool.

"We had over 1,000 people apply to be server hosts from around the world," said Doug Lombardi, product manager for Sierra Studios. "The reaction has been fantastic. Our goal was to have 500 by launch and within 24 hours we were blown away with the response."

Founded in 1996, Valve develops game software. Based in Kirkland, Washington, the company consists of more than 25 leading artists, game designers, and programmers. More information about Valve is available through the company's web site at www.valvesoftware.com.

Sierra Studios is a member of the Sierra family and a brand division of its parent company Cendant Software. Sierra Studios' games include Caesar III, Lords of Magic: Special Edition, Half-Life, King's Quest: Mask of Eternity, Return to Krondor and the upcoming Homeworld and Gabriel Knight III.

Sierra, Inc. is one of the original developers and largest worldwide publishers of interactive entertainment and productivity software. Sierra is comprised of six brands, Sierra Attractions, Sierra FX, Sierra Home, Sierra Sports, Sierra Studios, and Dynamix, a Sierra Company. Sierra is part of Cendant Software, one of the largest PC consumer software groups in the world, and a leader in entertainment, productivity and educational software. Cendant Software is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cendant Corporation, one of the world's foremost providers of consumer and business services.

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