Half-Life@Far2Cool - Half-Life is our life. Let us make it yours! Edition Printed


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Back Issue 3 - 2nd Oct to 10th Oct 1998

Division Border

Dr. Nick

   As I was browsing, Halflife.net I found a new site up called DrNick's Half-Life Theatre. It has a very fast loading time for those of you on-the-run.

Update by Dann - 08 October 1998 2:37:32
Division Border

Slippage Central?

   Seen over on Bluesnews some important Half-Life release date information. A Senior PR Manager for Sierra Studios said,
"We've seen what's been posted on the EB website and it is incorrect. Half-Life is still on track to go gold later this month and be in stores by November. We are contacting EB today to alert them of this."
   Hopefully this means the game isnt going to slip...

Update by Alex - 07 October 1998 19:53:04
Division Border

Damned Development

   Necro sent the site word, via the classifieds page that Damned Development, are currently looking for a whole heap of bods to get down to the nitty gritty of producing the 1st and the ultimately the best Half-Life Conversion. Take a look at what he needs over on the classifieds page.

   Also, someone sent an anonymous post to the discussion forum about a 'credible release date' for Half-Life. As far as I'm concerned its the end of October... but thats about as credible as I can make it. :-(

Update by Alex - 05 October 1998 21:24:52
Division Border

Forum Use!

   I confess. I doubted the potential popularity of the discussion forum but it seems I was wrong! Than again, most of them are all me!

Update by Alex - 04 October 1998 11:07:24
Division Border


   There have been a whole load more pre/reviews bouncing around for the past few days, check them out here at HalfLife.org, here at Contaminated and finally here at Voodoo Extreme.

   A couple of titbits of information sent over by DErAileD, firstly his website, the most excellent Twisted Half-life has a new look. Typically like any new site its still in 'beta', and yes I too know the feeling! ;-) Secondly the The Dark Portal Map Database is now their first hosted site.

   Is anyone out there stuck in the OEM? Cant find your way into that particular room? Dont seem to be able to get into that small conduit? Well to solve your problem. Just nip over to the discussion forum and see if anyone can help you out. Dann and myself both regularly stop by there, so your cries for help will be answered!

   Also if I can point your mouse clicks toward our classifieds page, now we're also looking for people to help us out here at Half-Life@Far2Cool. If you're interested take a look and get back to us. And bear in mind you too can post your own classified advert.

Update by Alex - 03 October 1998 16:11:14

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