Position: News Hound, Content Maintainer, or Creative Writer
Site: ValveWorld
Contact: Portax at mailto:portax@valveworld.com
Comments: - News Updater - Your job will be to seek out and post news updates on the sites on anything related to Half-Life and the hosted sites. When applying, please say what time zone you're in.
- Content Guy/Girl - Your job will be to keep the content on Valveworld fresh and exciting. Such things would be maintaining the links section, updating the game information, etc.
- Creative Writer - Your job will be to write articles, conduct interviews, etc. about anything regarding Half-Life.
- Anything missing - Yes, if you think something is missing in the Valveworld picture, by all means contact us telling us what it is and we'll consider it
Position: Musican/SoundFX guy(2), mappers(2-3),modelers(1-2)
Site: None right now
Contact: Necro at necro@cyberdude.com
Comments: yes, it's true, we Damned development need LOTS of people above in positions needed isn't all.
We need the following types of people:
Musican/SoundFX guy(2), mappers(2-3),
modelers(1-2), Skinners(2),Webmasters(1-2),
Position: Webmaster/s
Site: Half-life@Far2Cool
Contact: Alex at webmaster@far2cool.com
Comments: We are currently looking for dedicated and most importantly orginal persons to start out a couple of Half-Life editing sites within the Far2Cool Gaming Network. If you think you have the skills required, e-mail the webmaster (or fill out this form) and try to include a URL of a sample website or even URL of a peice of game editing that you might of worked on.
Position: NewsHound
Site: The Half-life Vortex
Contact: Dredd2000 at webmaster@hlvortex.com
Comments: We are looking for dedicated people to join our site. We need help updating the
news sections and some other small areas. If you feel like being part of a site and don't have
the time to do too much work than here is your chance.
Position: Hosted Site
Site: Twisted Half-life
Contact: Derailed at jrnet@pop.flash.net
Comments: I am allowing HOSTING now! If you would like to be hosted you must have a good
site in mind. Design is not an issue, but content is. You must be able to follow instructions, also.
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