Half-Life@Far2Cool - Sponsored By Business Corporations Network Ltd. Edition Printed


Worldwide Edition - Issue 3
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BIOS - Alex 'Alvin' Vincent

   As you seem to want to know, let me fill you in on some information about me.

   My name is Alex Vincent, otherwise known as Far2Cool when chatting on IRC where I'm found quite regularly chatting in #Dopefish, #Valve and #London, on the IRC UnderNet channels. My nickname when playing QuakeWorld (I still love it!), Quake II or any other game online is Alvin.

   I am 20 years old, and studying for a degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom. But for this year, until July 1999 I am working for IBM UK Ltd in the e-Business Solutions sector at an IBM location near Heathrow Airport. Here I'm playing with all the latest computer systems, solving computer hardware/software problems and working on several other projects. I also get to go to conferances all over the UK lending a technical hand to the marketing people when they set up demonstration equipment. Basically I love my job and dont want to go back to uni!

   My hobbies include, as I'm sure you've by now guessed, designing and building websites. Playing computer games my which I have a varied interest in!! And of course listening to just about all types of music, my current favourites are The Fun Lovin' Criminals and Mansun.

   If you'd like to contact me for a chat please either e-mail me on alex@far2cool.com or you can page me via ICQ, or you can just add my number 716399 to your contact list.

   I hope you like this website and come back for more.


If its green I'm online, and probably in #Half-Life & #Dopefish on UnderNet.

Division Border

BIOS - Dann 'The Man' Thombs

   Name: My name is Dann Thombs. I usually just stick to 'Dann' as a handle, since I've never really given to much thought to it, nor been able to keep one. 'The man' is sometimes added by second or third parties, but I don't want to be that arrogant or egotistical, to add it myself.

   Real History: I'm just turned 18 in late July and am currently in my second year of College; possibly majoring in ISS (computer stuff), and minoring in biology. As for working, I'm currently a job hopper, but at this stage it makes little difference since I'm trying to get reasonable grades; but most of my work revolves around computer, a little consulting, web design and kicking the box trying to get it to work right.

   Fake History: I started out way back when the web was young with a portion of a page linked to by an internal link. Fortuanetly I conviced my dad to have my own .html document, but it still looked pretty sad. I then moved to the free ISP provided page; but then my last name got registered as a domain, and I put up another sad page. Then I got the usual Geocities and Tripod pages, which began my Gaming related webmastering experience. Bumbling along trying to be noticed, I saw a logo contest for a little geocities page called The Daily Death and figured 'why not?', so I entered. Following that I made some simple designs and was asked to join. I've been there since Early/Mid December. Then Far2Cool offered to let me work in this page, and it sounded cool, so here I am. ( Additional pages include The RIYF Army and HEC. )

   Real Life: I do get out once in a while, in fact I even try to limit my computer time. Failing or not, I like to spend time at a private beach near my house (avg water temp: 50-60 F, it feels warm to New Englanders under 30), and in antique shops. My music tastes have changed many times and are currently in Industrial/Techno/anything that has a good tune or beat. Artists include: 311, Tool, Rammstein, Metallica, KMFDM, NIN, Gravity Kills, Rage Against the Machine and Wu-Tang.

   Fake Life: When I am wasting time spending time on the computer, I'm usually in an Undernet IRC chat room. These include: #dopefish, which I own, #riyf, #hl, #trespasser, #unreal2 and #valve which I'm an op in, and #half-life, which I still trying :) When people annoy me and I have to leave for a while, I work an various Flash creations, mainly to express my strange mind. (Visit this for an example). I don't play games too much, but Quake2, with Plug-in models and the Eraser bot was a hit; I'm trying to find time for Unreal; and Quake had many hours burned into it. As for old school games, when I didn't have to hear obscienities at every turn, from the games and the gamers, I enjoyed Captain Comic, Keen ( I registered that ), every Epic game and every apogee game. Rott was and still is my favortite First Person Shooter.

   Fav Sites:


   Contacting Me: I always answer all my e-mail so send me a line, and I'll get back to you, just don't ask for anything; I like to help but I'm fairly busy and don't want to turn anyone down empty-handed. My e-mail is dann@far2cool.com and my ICQ number is 3927733.

   Much time has been put into this page ( and Alex did it all ) but I hope you enjoy and keep in mind that bigger isn't always better.


If its green I'm online!

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