Supplement Listings
For those who've fancied the idea of writing an article for an online gaming fanzine, (like this site for instance) you now have the opportunity. If you've an article in mind to write up, just mail it to either Dann or Alex and one of us will upload it fully formatted (and spellchecked!) for all the visitors to read!
Multiplayer Issues
Internet Games. Speed them up! And smooth them out! - Alex - 13th December 1998
Half-Life Map Names - Alex - 13th December 1998
Half-Life Console Comands - Alex - 13th December 1998
Character Animation Reference Guide - Dann - 13th December 1998
Editing Issues
Adding Custom Sounds - Dann - 13th December 1998
Creating Scripted Sequences - Dann - 14th December 1998
Using the Cut Monsters - Dann - 19th December 1998
Valve Updates
Harry Teasley on MODS & the SDK - 25th November 1998
Gabe Newall Half-Life Status Update - 24th November 1998
Valve Software People - 13th December 1998
#Valve Half-Life Release Party (Q&A Style) - Dann - 14th November 1998
#Valve Half-Life Release Party (RAW Format) - Dann - 13th November 1998
Slipping Release Dates - Da Headhunter - 8th October 1998
Site Articles