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Friend or Foe?
These captures taken from an old '20s camera found abandoned in a warehouse.
Alien Grunt

The Alien Grunt, thank god, has a very short life span. But
that has no meaning to these creatures since every known Alien
Grunt has died in battle. The Chum Toad is an Alen Grunt`s
favorite food. During battle, Chum Toads are put on the
battlefield for the Grunts to eat. If no food is available,
the Alien Grunt will actually eat enemies and allies alike.
Trained to like hardship environments, it is unknown if the
Grunts sold themselves to masters or were captured by their
current overlords. The Alien Grunt is a foot soldier who relies
on telepathy to communicate with fellow troops. Upon first
glance of the armor you wouldthink that it is some type of
hi-tech armory system, but when a closer examination is made,
you will find that is actually part of the Grunt`s exo-skeleton.
Probably the most dangerous aspect of the Alien Grunt is the
unlimited amount of natural missles. The missles are actually
insects who feed on cavities, and are happy to go after any heat
Alien Slave

The Alien Slave is a poor unfortunate slave of the Alien Grunt. The
only food it can eat are leftovers of wars and other things. When
thought to be unnoticed the Alien Slave will actually groom his master
to collect stuff on his arm for nourishment. The Alien Slave is forced
into spots his master puts him in even if the place is not safe for the
slave. The Alien Grunt will usually use his slave as bait, a shield,
or to swarm opponents. Even if a slave were actually not a slave, he
would most likely die because of adaption to total reliance on a master.
The Alien Slave will do anything that is ordered by his master, for
fear of being hurt or killed. The Alien Slave would much rather die
by doing an order than disobeying. The Alien Slave can be found anywhere,
because of never having the feeling of discomfort. Alien Slaves have very
low intelligence because of their breeders. Even though Alien Slaves do
not think the thought of escaping, their masters make the slave wear a
metallic collar, which will kill or
hurt very badly any slave who tries to escape.

The Barney is your friend on your journey. Tap a Barney
on his soldier and he will follow you around shooting bad
guys as you go, or if you are mean, use him as a human shield!
Mr. Friendly

Mr. Friendly is a creative way to clear up memory. Unlike Duke 3-d and Quake, wall
stains and gibs/dead bodies will remain throughout the game instead of just disappearing.
But to lessen the strain on your computer, Mr. Friendly runs around eating up the
dead bodies, SO DON'T SHOOT IT. Not only will it waste ammo, but it will improve performance.
Clever people at Valve aren't they.

A seemingly aquatic creature, the bullchicken can move on
land and will eat anything that it can. From screenshots, there
seem to be a few different meshes for the bullchicken, whether this is
an easy way to create individuality (which is very easy, due to the sketetal
animation system), or entirely different species, is unknown.
Chum Toad

The Chum Toad is on the low end of the monster food chain.
The Chum can be the most useful monster in the game. For
example, some monsters are more interested in eating than
killing, so just pick up a Chum Toad, and throw it, and you
will be saying, That Chum Toad saved my life, too bad about his.

Hmm, we are the United States goverment, how can we make life miserable for people today?
I know lets raid a scientific project and kill everything and everyone in it. Yeah.
Well, that is what they are doing, so remember, There's plenty of aliens that you can trust but if it
is human, specifically a government employee, shoot it.

The head crab is actually the immature stage of a very large
creature which has not been seen. Its main goal is to attach
to your head and turn you into a zombie. One well place whack with your
crowbar should take care of it since it is only a meelee enemy, but take nothing for granted.
Heavy Weapons Grunt

No detailed information yet.

I am guessing that as an infant, the barnacle is somewhat motile so it can move to an area
and set up shop. But once it is full grown there is no moving it. It will send down a thin
cord-like apendage that it uses to grab prey walking below. If you are caught by this creature,
you are able to give it a good whack with you crowbar and it will drop you.
Big Momma

Whether this is a boss or just an ordinary creature, let`s hope that we do not meet it often.

No detailed information yet.

No detailed information yet.

No detailed information yet.
Fast Walker

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No detailed information yet.

No detailed information yet.
Alien Controller

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Female Assassin

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No detailed information yet.

No detailed information yet.