 | July 31, 1998 |  | |
I had this in mind for a while but never got around to it. I present HalfAmp, a skin for WinAmp.
So now you can listen to those Half-life MP3's cause I know that's all you listen to, right?
Put this in a 'HalfAmp' directory in you WinAmp/skins (ver 1.92) or use the -d parameter on the root.

Release date?
Well today is July 31, os tomarrow must be, yes, JULY 32!!! Get ready.
-Dann - 7:50 P.M. EST
On Half-life Haven there is an editorial up titled: "Out of the Loop: Do Fellow Gamers Know Enough?"
At first glance Half-Life would seem to be on every gamer's mind as there are alot of fan pages. Half-Life has won best game of the show and best action game at E3 beating heavy weights like
Trespasser, Sin, Prey, Duke Nukem Forever and countless other games in other genres too.
New Site'ings
TF2-Life has moved to PlanetHalflife, which is good along with the redesign.
There is a new Half-life related site called The Half-life Vortex and they need some staffers there too.
Half-life Ad
Lisa from Valve released the ad of Half-life that is appearing on magazines and stuff. Check it out here(609k, BIG PIX!)
Seen that from Halflife.org
-Runabout - 12:46 P.M. EST
 | July 30, 1998 |  | |
Future of Halflife.org
Halflife.org has a lot of things in store for the Half-life community, I'll just paste the post here...
- Half-Life and Team Fortress 2 Radio Show
HalfLife.org has hired two very talented individuals that will be doing our very own radio show.
This will become a part of HalfLife.org and will air weekly or bi-weekly, bringing phone interviews
with Valve Software and TFS, new Half-Life and Team Fortress 2 information, exclusive
screenshots and movies of Half-Life and Team Fortess 2. I promise you will be waiting for this to
be uploaded every week!
- Hardware Section
This section will bring reviews and previews of hardware that is essential in the gaming world.
This great resource is coming very soon!
-Runabout - 11:19 P.M. EST
Midori Interview
OzTF scored an interview with Midori, who works for TeamFortress. Here's a little snippet:
What kind of power does the TF2 mapc give to you as a map builder? You can control and link the actions of most entities to functions within mapC and also create new entity types. With this you can control the order of events and their outcomes, so that the goals of the map can
be quite varied and or complex. All goal sets that TF1 could handle (or semi handle) ; ) can be done in mapC quite easily, problems that map makers had with the TF1 map code have been fixed. TF2 will be released with a variety of goal
types, all the mapC source code for these will be released also. Map makers could take our mapC source modify it and then use it in their own maps without too much trouble. From that I think we will start
seeing some different goals in maps as people get more familiar with mapC and what the TF2/HL engine can do...
-Runabout - 3:19 P.M. EST
Decal Tutorial
On Contaminated's Wavelength there is a tutorial on how to create your own decals based on the information released by Valve
At Blackmesa Half-life Center has a poll up: "Which of the known weapons is your favorite?", I know that the game hasn't been released yet and the weapons are still being finalized (like the flamethrower). Just vote on it ok?
-Runabout - 1:19 A.M. EST
 | July 29, 1998 |  | |
SiN Impressions
I wrote up a small thingy on my SiNs er something. Read it here and view screenshots here.
The Gameslice SiN demo review mentions Half-life
....With Half-Life promising "one
click" Internet play this fall, Sin will have
to do better if they hope to really get
people playing the game online in
Speaking of Half-Life, it will be Sin’s
major competition come this fall as it
promises similar features, including an
integrated plot, scripted game
elements, and dynamic characters......
-Dann - 3:03 P.M. EST
Not much is happening on the TF2 front, but Quake2Fortress is changing there names(I just saw the header on their site...) to Half-lifeFortress2. Seen that on PlanetFortress
Half-life Female Player Model
Lisa from Valve, just released a shot of the female player model. You could see this on the new ads of Half-life (Deathmatch Screenshot) on CGW's magazine or here.
Sin Demo
This is not Half-life related.... But,Rituals first person shooter "SiN" rocks!!! There are some iffy glitches and stuff (Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Ai, Multiplay- it will be addressed I'm sure of it!). It is one of the best action games that are coming out with Half-life.
Check out the reviews of SiN's demo:
OGR GameSlice Thresh's review Half-life Haven 3D-Unlimited
Visual Effects on Half-life
Harry Teasley from Valve spewed out some info on Half-life:
We have fog, but since it hurts software performance, we're not using it anywhere except underwater. We have lenticular halos on
lights, but we're not putting them on, say, every damned light in the game. Only on those lights that look like they would
reasonably have them. Not everyone likes rooms that have 500-watt halogen spotlights as light sources....
-Runabout - 11:59 A.M. EST
 | July 26, 1998 |  | |
Half-life Photos
On Atomic Half-life there is a bunch of photos (ok, four scanned shots/ads =) ) of Half-life. Here they are:
shot 1 | shot 2 | shot 3 | shot 4
-Runabout - 10:59 A.M. EST
Its SiNday, BLOODY SiNDay!
Not Half-life related but, it is one of the good FPS games that are coming out along with Half-life. Ritual Entertainment, Activision and Gamecenter will release the demo(37 megs) this noon (or any time by now) and a lot of mirror sites will pop up (its going to be a slooowww d/l)... The demo will include 4 levels: 2 single-play and 2 multiplay. For SiN related news? Click here.
And as we speak, there is a demo release party at #sin on irc.3dnet.net:6667 (and its gonna be a loooong waiting party).
-Runabout - 4:48 A.M. EST
 | July 25, 1998 |  | |
New Sites!
With news slowing down, more Half-life sites are spawning up. Check them out!
The Half-life Times hosted by the guys at Warzone.
This site will be covering a wide range of information, news,
and more about Half-Life. Half-Life Times will also be hosting quality Half Life sites.
A new TF2 site opened up on Valveworld named: TF2 Embassy.
-Runabout - 1:09 P.M. EST
 | July 24, 1998 |  | |
Gabe Speaks-REPOSTED
There have been some mixup info earlier on the post of Voice-overs on Half-life, it is between Rocket Mag and Gabe. I removed the previous post and corrected it....
Rocket Mag: Someone from Valve mentioned recently that Marc Laidlaw has done placeholders for all the voices in Half-Life so far. Have actual voice
actors started finishing up and doing their part for the final game (you know,recording the real scientist/guard/ect voices)? Gabe Newell: The studio work for the American voices is about two weeks away. You hold off as long as possible since more and more voice is being added
all the time (between scripted sequences, all of the different AI states that have to be exposed, sentence triggers, and so on). I'm not sure what the English, German, Spanish, French, and Japanese recording schedules are as they are being done in Europe and Japan (probably a
couple weeks later, if I had to guess). Rocket Mag: By my estimates, this is probably the absolute last thing (besides bugfixes) that has to be implemented. Around the 30th of this month, the voices will start to be recorded. I am extremely confident that
Half-Life will ship right around the 8th of August, because of this. Aproximately 1.5 weeks after the voice testing starts, the game will go gold. Of course, this is only my guess, but it's a very educated one at
that. Thanks Blitz!
-Runabout - 5:23 P.M. EST
Decal Specs
Wavelength on Contaminated has acquired some initial specifications on the decal system to help mod makers and players to get started.
err...Aerotic Software
There is a new site opened at Contaminated, called Aerotic Software which is doing an "ultra-conversion" for Half-life,
which is also looking for help on their project Arcanus Descensus...
-Runabout - 5:04 P.M. EST
PlanetFortress a new site up from the PlanetQuake Network that deals with TF1 and TF2:
We've come a long way baby! And we want you to come with us. To accomplish this not so insignificant task, we present Planet Fortress! The source for all your TF and TF II news. The Team Fortress Newswire was proud to be one of your top TF news sources. We are now
evolving to the next level to try to serve you better. With the imminent release of TF II for HalfLife, the race was on to give you the best and most up to date news site available. With the help of Planet Quake we are going to do just that.
-Runabout - 1:59 P.M. EST
Details on Decals
Lisa has sent Halflife.org some info on the decals:
Here is preliminary information regarding decals -- this should be enough to get people started. We are working on a full write-up of how decals are implemented in
Half-Life, which will be available soon. Remaining questions should be addressed in that document.
Decal are monochromatic 8-bit paletted images. Maximum size is 64 x 64 pixels for clan logos (though mod makers can include decals of up to 256 x 256 in their WADs).
The index of the palette corresponds to the alpha channel of the decal. The color in the last palette register (register 255 when starting from 0) is the color of the decal. We
will probably offer some support for animated or multi-frame decals, which would allow for multiple colors, but individual bitmaps can be only one color.
Have fun!
-Dann - 7:05 A.M. EST
Half-life Preview at 3D Gaming
3D Gaming has a long exclusive preview of Half-life, included are 2 exclusive shots. Read it all here.
TF2 Interview
There is an interview about TF2 on The Citadel.
-Runabout - 12:54 A.M. EST
 | July 23, 1998 |  | |
Clans/Squads/and whatnot
Guardians of Darkness (G.o.D.) have redesign their page and are looking for 15 new memebers.
Found on Twisted
ValveWorld has hosted a TeamFortress2 Site called The TeamFortress2 Embassy
Help Wanted
The newly formed Half-Life Vandalism at Contaminated.net
is looking for a few people to help receive and upload the decals that users submit.
ValveWorld is also looking for someone to update news at their site. Contact them at news@valveworld.com.
-Dann - 8:22 P.M. EST
No, not you, this is just a story
about the job you all want over at Seattle times.
Found at Halflfe.org
-Dann - 7:36 A.M. EST
Artist Beware is a new Half-life contest on Halflife.org to be judged by the creators themselves, Valve.
Artists that are interested must design and create a piece of conceptual art (art that you design to capture a peticular scene you, the artist, wants to see (i.e. Government Grunt chasing after you down a hallway with grunts at the other end of the hallway shooting rockets or bullets at you). This art will either be sent via mail (for those of you who draw on paper and have a scanner or can get it scanned at office max) or via e-mail (for those of you who have the ability to design and create art with a artwork program) for the Valve Software artists to judge. The winners will receive Half-Life accessories courtesy of Valve Software.
-Runabout - 5:14 P.M. EST
 | July 22, 1998 |  | |
New site up at xoom, called The Black Mesa Half-Life Center and I'm
sure they're looking for a host so HOST THEM!
|ceman of Halflife.org has written Story #6 over at Twisted.
Go check it out.
-Dann - 7:19 P.M. EST
STARR clan/squad has relocated to Halflife.org. Check out the site for it has a nice backdrop/story and graphics.
-Runabout - 5:48 P.M. EST
Help Haven
Half-life Haven needs some help, here's the post:
Ok, we need another hand or two here at the Haven.
First off, we need someone who is compulsive about details to take on the task of creating and maintaining our Life-Forms pages. In depth knowledge of HTML is not terribly necessary, although ability to work with tables is a plus. Much more important is the ability to form
complete, coherent sentences. Masters degree in biology or biochemistry a major plus.
Second, another general purpose news updater would be welcome. Tasks would include updating the news page (without screwing it up), adding links to the links page as new sites surface,
and scrounging for news items. Ability to follow a given format is required, as is moderate HTML skills.
For more information contact Zhyla.
TF2/Robin Walker Interview
Robin Walker of TeamFortress software interview is up on Halflife.org. Discussing the development and features of TF2. Read it here.
-Runabout - 11:50 A.M. EST
 | July 20, 1998 |  |
The Outhouse
For those who want Team Fortress 2 news when you really need to go, go to the
Outhouse. A nice new site.
-Dann - 5:10 P.M. EST
A big thanx goes out to Dreamline for about 90% of this design. And
please visit his page here
-Dann - 4:24 P.M. EST
Story #4 at Twisted has been added by James again. A good read.
Haven Hosts
The Half-life Haven has hosted their first site. Here' what the
hosted site has to say:
We a group of people gathered together via ICQ and this very web site in order to play Half-Life addon multiplayer levels with one another. Since the dedicated servers
won't have anything to do with 3rd party levels, we have assembled in order to play ip games with the newest addons. We use ICQ as a means to communicate and
organize games. Half-Life players have been blessed immensely with the great level editor, Worldcraft. For the splendid levels made with this powerful tool to go
unplayed would be a crime. The point of HLMAG is simply standardization. With all members having the same levels, skins, and perhaps even mods, you can easily get
a game going of the latest and greatest addon levels. HLMAG is not a squad, it is merely a large group of people joined together to play addon games....
-Dann - 3:07 P.M. EST
New Half-life site
There is a new Half-life dedicated site called Half-life down under, check it out...but come back afterwards. :)
Valve Preview...
I saw on Halflife.net that Cool from Voodooextreme had visited Valve
and there will be a little preview on the game soon.... Included is a pic from Half-life you could get it here.
Job Openings
Halflife.org is looking for new staffers on their site. Positions opened for: - Newshound
- Teamfortress 2 strategist
If you think you are qualified for them, then e-mail Impaler or check the site.
-Runabout - 11:50 A.M. EST
Story #4 at Twisted has been added by James again. A good read.
Haven Hosts
The Half-life Haven has hosted their first site. Here' what the
hosted site has to say:
We a group of people gathered together via ICQ and this very web site in order to play Half-Life addon multiplayer levels with one another. Since the dedicated servers
won't have anything to do with 3rd party levels, we have assembled in order to play ip games with the newest addons. We use ICQ as a means to communicate and
organize games. Half-Life players have been blessed immensely with the great level editor, Worldcraft. For the splendid levels made with this powerful tool to go
unplayed would be a crime. The point of HLMAG is simply standardization. With all members having the same levels, skins, and perhaps even mods, you can easily get
a game going of the latest and greatest addon levels. HLMAG is not a squad, it is merely a large group of people joined together to play addon games....
-Dann - 3:07 P.M. EST
New Half-life site
There is a new Half-life dedicated site called Half-life down under, check it out...but come back afterwards. :)
Valve Preview...
I saw on Halflife.net that Cool from Voodooextreme had visited Valve
and there will be a little preview on the game soon....
Included is a pic from Half-life you could get it here.
Job Openings
Halflife.org is looking for new staffers on their site.
Positions opened for: - Newshound
- Teamfortress 2 strategist
If you think you are qualified for them, then e-mail Impaler or check the site.
-Runabout - 11:50 A.M. EST
Planet Half-life
Planet Half-life is a new site dedicated to Half-life and will be hosting subsites and is also looking for people
to run the main site as well. Not open yet but will be around the release of Half-life.
-Dann - 4:29 P.M. EST
I'm Runabout, who recently joined "The Daily Death" as a news updater and to help things up around here.
And VX Half-life now known as Halflife.org gets a new facelift, check it out!
There is a new TeamFortress site opened up, called TF2-Life. Check this one out too!
The Unknown Clan/squad also redesigned their site and they need 2 members more. So what are you waiting for...
-Runabout - 10:20 A.M. EST
There's a new Team Fortress Site up at Net Door called CF TF. Check it out.
RIYF has moved to The Daily...oh wait I already know that.
All this found on Half-life.net.
VX half-life has revived and is back in action.
Whee, Story #4 over at Twisted has been added to by James.
Story #5 has also been added to by Abevec, dealing with umm...I'll
quote Twisted because I don't get paid for this:
a long, militaristic story that frequently changes focus on
different squads throughout the story. The characters are seemingly disposable
and most are just extras on a journey to their deaths. There is also one or two
pretty gruesome deaths such as a giant magnet pulling a guy's stock of bullets
up through his body
Help wanted
Twisted needs two gif's: 1) a 88x31 netscape now sized one and 2) a
468x60 banner. Preferably animated, low in size and zipped.
VX half-life needs a replacement for Soultaker as a news hound.
(note to Soultaker: don't visit #half-life for a while).
Beat the crowd (if any) for getting a hosted site at Half-life.net.
Go here for all the info. Keep in mind, that the site will not be up now but whenever
half-life.net comes.
I'm an idiot
I've had the 16th of July stuck in the headlines for a few days, fixed now.
- 10:11 P.M. EST
Skarz.com has another one of those 'what game are you looking forward to' poll thingies, so go vote for Half-life.
All this found on Half-life.net.
Organized Crime moved here to Gaming Alliance.
And a Team Fortress page has popped up called TF2-Life.
All this found on Half-life.net.
- 10:01 P.M. EST
G.o.D. has their page up here
And Atomic Half-life has a poll about release dats of Half-life and how Unreal will fare to Half-life.
All this found on Half-life.net.
- 10:01 P.M. EST
New Storys
So, I get inspired by the recent surge of writers and finally get something for Story #2.
This is the one where Gordon is fat, and he and a co-guard, Charlie, see a scientist zombified
and shot by the human grunts. I merged the story into the first one I did for Story #1, bu then I realized
that then no one could add to Story #1 because it would all mirror the one I just did so, I had the main
character from Story #1 mysteriously disappear. Go read it at Twisted Half-life.
E pa, Some anonymous guy wrote an addition to Story #3
Go read it at Twisted Half-life.
Our in-house homey, Mike, has started Story #4. Gordon is finally the center of the story and is the way he seems
to be in the actual Half-life game. It's long, so you'll have something to do during work.
Go read it at Twisted Half-life.
- 9:42 P.M. EST
New Story
Story #3, the swat team one, has been added to by Dre born, so read it.
Mike from here also wrote a forth story from the view of Gordon. Gotta read it.
Both found on Twisted Half-life.
- 7:12 A.M. EST
The Rocket Tube
A really cool new site dedicated to Half-life and Team Fortress2 weapons, called The Rocket Tube, is up here.
Check it out.
- 4:28 P.M. EST
Someone faked Gabe's e-mil address and sent people a fake release date, but I seemed to miss all this, so either
stick with the July 32nd date or visit the RIYF page for a java countdown til Half-life.
Crime..that's Organized
New DM group called Organized crime has started. Their page is here.
Twisted got a nice new custom wallpaper by PDC_Blitz the creator of stories 2 & 3. So check it out and add to the stories.
Soultaker from VX has left and joined the crew at sleepnever central.
Thanx to Half-life Haven, and Alien HQ for site mentions.
- 7:06 A.M. EST
Guardians of Darkness
A new Dm group has started. Whether they are clans, squads or guardians, I'm not sure; when the URL is available, I will post it.
Here's the story they wrote:
We are the Guardians of Darkness, a group sent out to protect earth from the evil aliens of the universe, our clan consist of aliens and humans brought together by project GoD.
You could say we are the "Men In Black" of the Half-Life universe. In other words we are your only line of defense; your lives are in our hands.
A portal has opened between our two worlds. We call this portal the darkness. Help us fight the scum of the universe by joining forces with the Guardians of Darkness.
- 7:17 A.M. EST
Video mirrors
I mirrored the first two videos here (first | second). Should be faster for east siders.
- 2:57 P.M. EST
More thanx
More thanx goes out to sCary's Shuga Shack, Valveworld, and sNeAk from Halflife.net for great site mentions.
- 7:23 A.M. EST
HL101 01 Summer Session #2
Found over on the Breeding Grounds and a few others that the
Half-life Haven has put up an info intro for new-comers to the half-life scene. Nice read.
- 8:40 P.M. EST
3rd movie
I have the third movie mirrored here. It's the one with alien
grunts in the water containers. (4.7M)
- 4:36 P.M. EST
2 screens
Purified3d has gotten two exculsive screens up one of a barney
in front of a zombie(of something) and another of two bullsquids um...fighting. So head on over and take a look.
3 movies
Twisted Half-life, one of the great new Half-life sites has gotten 3 new movies for our viewing pleasure.
One of a headcrab in action, one of grunts in action and the third of the alien specimen containers. I still
have yet to d/l them, I'll probably take a look Monday at work.
And while your there. Please read the stories
and add something to them. One has to do with a fat gordon and his encounters with the grunts, and the other
is about three scientists who enjoy soap operas, and are thrown into this whole mess.
Thanx goes out to Sleepnever Central and The Breeding Ground for a warm welcome back to the realm of the living.
- 9:30 A.M. EST
Release date
I know it is foolish to beleive that anyone would beleive a release date, but I got a reliable source to leak
out that the Half life demo will be out on July 32, so not too much longer.
Old School
Many people have entered the Half-life scene since I left, so I'd like to re-post this interview with Ted Backman
which introduces the alien controller and the kingpin, two characters that haven't been mentioned.
- 11:06 P.M. EST
We are honore to have the FIRST half-life clan/squad/army/thingy to reside here until half-life.net is up.
Please visit them here
- 10:05 P.M. EST
Daily unDead
Okay, sNeAk from Halflife.net said "why dont you guys still update the daily death until half-life.net goes up?"
So I am. Expect some more news later.
- 9:12 P.M. EST
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