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Back Issue 13 - 11th Dec to 18th Dec 1998

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Mappers needed

   Just got an e-mail from the webmaster of deCyber Halflife

We have decided to get 3 new members on our mapbuilder team. Basically all builders on deCyber Halflife build alone and can make all the decisions they want. What we have seen on deCyber Unreal is that all our builders get rather famous and I know that also will happened on deCyber Halflife. We are only interested in making really good maps so the community get more fun. Right now there are a few really horrible maps out there and we wanna change that. Michael Lohmann deCyber Halflife

Update by Dann - 17 December 1998 20:21:09
Division Border


   Alien HQ one of the better sites out there, has a new look.
There's an interview over at Voodoo Extreme.
I have posted a preliminary version of the character animation reference guide, for all those scripted needs. Start using those chum toads darn it!
And finally contaminated is no more.


   I'm slowly but surely getting an unused character map done, I have a chum toad, now for the rest.


   It's been 8 years since Keen1 and 7 years since Keen 4, wow. Also as of 4 days ago, I've been updating for you people for a year now.

Update by Dann - 15 December 1998 1:04:37
Division Border

StarCraft TC

   Just got an e-mail from Dennis Carnelli of the Half-life: StarCraft TC:

Dear Half-Life Community: On behalf of Shadow Skill Software, the developers of the new and upcoming Half-Life --> Starcraft Total Conversion, I would like to announce a preview/signup page for the TC. We are in dire need of several jobs listed on the page, if you visit it, you can find out more information on the TC, and hopefully apply for a position. We are an exclusive project of the upcoming HL Site, Half-Life Center, on the MGO Network (http://www.mgon.com). We will soon have an official site for the TC there. So, if any of you talented graphic artists, or sound artists, level desginers or ANYTHING, are interested in some work. Please visit the preview page for the Half-Life SC Total Conversion at http://pages.cthome.net/JKKN/hlsc.html . Thank You, Dennis Carnelli aka Hexer Publicist of HLC/Half Life SC Total Conversion

Update by Dann - 14 December 1998 24:59:35

Adding custom sound

   I put a tutorial on adding custom sound up in the Supplements page here. I also have one on creating scripted_sequences too, and soon will have one on how to incorporate the cut monsters in half-life.

Update by Dann - 14 December 1998 23:33:45
Division Border

Internet Games. Speed them up! And smooth them out!

   I've written an article to help people to maximise the connection between them and the server when playing internet games. So do take a look at Internet Games. Speed them up! And smooth them out! And if you have any comments or more ideas please contact me so I can ensure everyone knows about them!

   Also there is a partially annotated list of console commands here and also the map listings here. I've also updated the cheats page which hopefully makes it easier to understand and implement.

Update by Alex - 13 December 1998 23:45:17

Gravis Exterminator Config

   Runabout of the Daily Death sent notice of a config for the Gravis Exterminator joystick:
Please post this file. It was a real pain in the butt to get all the sensitivities right (since I have never done this type of thing before), and all the axis right. It might help others save time since I've already done it. Thanks


The attached config file is for the Gravis Xterminator Game Controller for Half-Life

Proportional Control Stick: Look/Turn
Other Control Pad: Movement Forward+Backward/Strafing
Throttle: Forward/Backward + Speed (Farther Left faster backward, Farther
Right faster forward)
Rudder: Strafing

Other Buttons: Configure by user in custom controls

To Use: Place file in valve subdirectory.

Please direct replies to rsinghal@writemail.com - Thank you.

joyname "Gravis Xterminator"
joyadvanced 1.0
joyadvaxisx 4
joyadvaxisy 2
joyadvaxisz 17
joyadvaxisr 0
joyadvaxisu 3
joyadvaxisv 0
joyforwardsensitivity -1.0
joysidesensitivity -1.0
joypitchsensitivity 1.0
joyyawsensitivity -1.0
joyforwardthreshold 0.15
joysidethreshold 0.15
joyyawthreshold 0.15
joypitchthreshold 0.15

Update by Dann - 13 December 1998 16:52:91
Division Border

Complete Gamer - Map Design Compo

   Complete Gamer magazine is running a Half-Life level design contest in asssociation with Instantaccess there are some pretty 'not-to-be-sneezed at' prizes, so it might be an idea to enter!
All entries must be recieved by Friday 26th February 1999. Any entries or revisions recieved after this date will not be elegible for the competition.

1st $500.00 and an interview in Complete Gamer
2nd $250.00
3rd $100.00
Honourable mentions 10 $50.00

   On the map editing side of things, Hellbringer at Wavelength has posted a lighting tutorial which deals with lots of.. erm. lighting! There is another new site called Tigger's Maps dealing with maps. Nuff said. That'll be map site number XXX then!

   The Texture Studio already has a tonne of downloadable textures up, and these are first rate! The talent behind making textures as good as these are, is pretty damned big! On the subject of textures, the Half-Life Texture SDK has been updated, download a local copy from here.

Walkthrough Online

   For all those people having trouble with Half-Life and who havent had the sense to go to the FORUMS then gamespot have released their walkthrough which is pretty comprehensive if I say so myself. Although it could do with a few demos of the harder parts... Also GS has a multiplayer review of Half-Life online.

   Also the The Firearms TC has released several AVIs of some of the TCs models, take a look if you want to spoil it... or feed your hunger.

   A couple of new sites on the web, Half-Life Australia and The Half-Life Complex.

Update by Alex - 12 December 1998 12:22:36

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