Our next brave purchase were brother and sister kittens. We couldn't choose, so we got both! They were so tiny, we don't believe they were weaned yet.
Tiger Lily gets a mouthful, when she tries to eat. She was the runt of the litter.
Bengal was always fiesty and a troublemaker. He kept us on our toes.
They huddled together for the first few nights.
But he's so cute. They didn't seem to be cared for properly when we adopted them. They were filthy.
But we cleaned them up and played with them constantly.
Lily is double pawed, and liked to bite our fingers.
How many toes can you count?
There's my Bengy!
Cute as can be.
Tiger Lily can barely hold her head up.
But she's still adorable.
Bengal can't quite fit.
Tiger Lily's starring role in Rogue Entity, a DCJ Production.