Karen Maloney's Skating School
First Annual Thanksgiving Ice Show
Driscoll Ice Skating Arena. Fall River, Mass
Sorry, You missed it! But we'll do it again next year!
See you then.
It was: Friday. November 29, 1996 from 2:00 - 4:00pm
but you can preview our Senond Annual Show Now!
Second Annual Show
2:00 Introductions: Groups, Soloists, and Invited Guests
03 Group Number Line Number (ALL) ........."The Macarena"
07 1996 US Adult National ABFSIII Gold Medalist:
Mr. Nicholas Skinner...............An Iterpretive Number.
11 Featured Guest: Sarah W. short program
15 Solo 1: Jessica F......................."When you Wish Upon a Star"
19 Solo 2: Kathleen D......................"Going to the Chapel"
23 Solo 3: Darcy B........................."The Big Green"
27 Father & Daughter Team: Amy and Dad....."Wake Up"
31 Solo 4: Kimberly C......................"Colors of the Wind"
35 Solo 5: Stephanie C....................."Star Wars"
39 Solo 6: Malay K........................."Tea"
43 Invited Guests:
1997 Junior Olympics Open Juvenile Pairs Qualifiers
1996 - 1997 New Engald Regionals, Open Juvenile Pairs Exhibitors:
Christopher T. and Celeste W....."The Wizard of Oz"
49 Solo 7: Jackie F........................"Any Dream Will Do"
53 Solo 8: Emma W.........................."Liberty Fanfare"
57 Solo 9: Heidi D........................."Free Willy"
3:01 Group Number: (Darcy B, Kathleen D, Jessica F, & Amy T.)
........................."Nothing Like The Rain."
05 Solo 10: Xaykham K......................"First Knight"
09 Solo 11: Christopher T..................."Indiana Jones"
13 Invited Senior Guest:
Mr. Paul Lapointe, Fall River ........TBA.
16 1996 US Adult National ABFSII Gold Medalist:
Michael Thombs....................."Butterfy"
20 Featured Guest: Sarah W. (Long Program )
26 Final Introductions / Closing ( ALL )...... ......................."The Best for Last"
30 Group Number ..........................."The Sound of Music "
34 Team Challenge ( Time permitting ).
Team Color Waltz Jump Spiral Spin Secret Weapon
---------- ---------- ------ ---- -------------
Blue Heidi D. Darcy B. Lynn D. Elizabeth C.
Red Stephanie C. Cailin C. Chris T. Desiree I.
Black Xaykham K. Kathleen D. Michelle J. Kristen C.
Purple Jessica F. Kendall K. Emma W. Malay K.
Yellow Jackie F. Kristy C. Jenna P. Kim C.
Green Celeste W. Danielle A. Lindsay P. Amy T.
First Annual Thanksgiving On Ice Show Highlights
The Pictures finally came back!